
Register: Process


This register lists the different methods and processes that can be used to acquire knowledge.

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changed on 20 Nov 2024 15:15:00.549
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 14 Jun 2019 14:34:42.563

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category 19 | 4 | 13 | 14 | 6
en This register lists the different methods and processes that can be used to acquire knowledge.
fr Ce registre recense les différentes méthodes et process pouvant intervenir pour acquérir une connaissance.
has member relation member
has top concept Carte topographique non ou mal géoréférencé (ex : plan historique, extrait de carte) | Microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) | Sondeur acoustique | Image satellite ou aérienne | Carte marine de navigation | Biostratigraphie | Bassin versant de surface (cas des sources) | Analyse densimétrique | Positionnement géographique | Groundwater depth measurement by manual probe | Datation radiochronologique | Nivellement conventionnel effectué avec un niveau ou un théodolite | Groundwater depth measurement by electronic probe | Spectrométrie de masse à plasma à couplage inductif (ICP / MS) | Comptage de points | GPS/GNSS autonome | Planche cadastrale | Coupe technique | Digital recording | Altimétrie radar | Carte topographique géoréférencée (type IGN ou autre) | Données disponibles au voisinage de l’ouvrage | Analyse isotopique | Thermochronologie | Profondeur de l'ouvrage | Microscopie optique | Particle size distribution | Microsonde électronique (EPMA) | Cathodoluminescence | GPS/GNSS différentiel | Graphic recording | Digital recording teletransmitted | Coupe géologique | Carte bathymétrique | Microscopie électronique à transmission (MET) | MNT | Manual measure | Théodolite | Thermométrie | Bassin versant hydrogéologique (cas des sources) | Analyse magnétique | Diffractométrie | Mesure de la radioactivité naturelle | Globe virtuel (ex : Google Earth) | Spectrométrie
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
is member of relation in scheme
en Process
fr Méthodes
member tamisage sur site < 2 mm | Atterberg limits : liquid ans plastic limits | Groundwater depth measurement by electronic probe | Correlation | Cone penetration test | Bassin versant hydrogéologique (cas des sources) | Carte topographique non ou mal géoréférencé (ex : plan historique, extrait de carte) | Traces de fission sur zircon (ZFT) | Datation radiochronologique | Datation radiométrique Re-Os | Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 2: Methods for the determination of resistance to fragmentation | Analyse des isotopes stables | échantillonnage brut | Determination of the carbonate content - Calcimeter method | Water content measure | Determination of minimal and maximal density of cohesionless soils | Mesure de la radioactivité naturelle | Determination of the compaction reference values of a soil type — Standard Proctor Test — Modified Proctor Test | Rock - Determination of the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio | Mesure de la pluviométrie | Water permeability test in a borehole using open systems | Mesure de la résistivité | Pesée hydrostatique | Positionnement géographique | Sédigraphie par rayon X | Tamisage | Microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) | Datation absolue Sm-Nd | Rock - Determination of the drill penetration index | retrait des éléments grossiers (blocs, cailloux, corps étrangers) | GPS/GNSS différentiel | Coupe technique | Field vane test | Datation absolue U-Pb | Pumping test | Consolidated drained triaxial compression test on water saturated soils | Rock - Determination of water content of rock - Oven-drying method | Determination of the organic matter content - Soil chemical test | Paléomagnétisme | Radiométrie infrarouge | Dynamic penetration test | Rock - Determination of the tensile strength - Indirect method - Brazil test | Expert estimates or Engineering judgment | Mesure de débit | Self-boring pressuremeter test | Cathodoluminescence | Mesure de l'humidité de l'air | Thermochronologie | Back analysis | Analyse des isotopes radiogéniques | Unconfined compression test | Microsonde électronique (EPMA) | Determination of the decomposition state (humification) of organic soils - Von Post test | Paléontologie | Analyse de la susceptibilité magnétique | Huder-Amberg swelling test | Carte topographique géoréférencée (type IGN ou autre) | Rock - Determination of the rock abrasiveness - Part 2 : Test with a rotating tool | Groundwater depth measurement by manual probe | Mesure du rayonnement solaire | Soil quality - Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate | Hydraulic Testing of pre-existing fractures (HTPF) | Datation absolue U-Th/He | Water permeability test in a borehole using closed systems | Dilatometer test | Rock - Point load strength test - Franklin test | Mesure de la direction du vent | Mechanical cone penetration test | Water pressure test in rock (Lugeon packer test) | Spectrométrie de masse à plasma à couplage inductif (ICP / MS) | Determination of the organic matter content - Ignition method | Analyse magnétique | Analyse par rayons X | Rock - Determination of the ultrasonic waves velocity in laboratory - Transmission method | retrait de la végétation | Essai au pressiomètre | Consolidated undrained triaxial compression test on water saturated soils | Analyse densimétrique | Graphic recording | Microscopie électronique à transmission (MET) | Datation absolue carbone 14 | Image satellite ou aérienne | Mesure de la pression | Datation absolue Rb-Sr | Pycnométrie à l'hélium | Sondeur acoustique | retrait de la végétation et des éléments grossiers | Coupe géologique | Paléopalynologie | Granulométrie laser | Borehole jack test | Thermométrie Raman | Direct shear test | Oedometer swelling test - Swelling determination by testing on several specimens | GPS/GNSS autonome | Carte bathymétrique | Rock - Tests for physical properties of rock - Determination of density - Cutting curb - Water immersion methods | Rock - Determination of the rock abrasiveness - Part 1 : Scratching-test with a pointed tool | Infilirometer test | Standard Penetration test | Full displacement pressuremeter test | ...
modified 20 Nov 2024 15:15:00.549
notation Proc
owner 1
type Container | Register | concept scheme
version info 10
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Contents (list view)

Name Notation Description Types Status
MNT 1 Les coordonnées sont déterminées à partir d'un Modèle Numériq... coordinates acquisition process , altimetric coordonates acquisition process , Concept stable
Sondeur acoustique 2 Les coordonnées sont déterminées à partir de mesures effectué... coordinates acquisition process , altimetric coordonates acquisition process , Concept stable
GPS/GNSS autonome 3 Les coordonnées sont déterminées avec un récepteur GPS grand ... coordinates acquisition process , planimetric coordinates acquisition process , altimetric coordonates acquisition process , Concept stable
Carte topographique géoréférencée (type IGN ou autre) 4 Les coordonnées sont déterminées par interpolation sur une ca... planimetric coordinates acquisition process , altimetric coordonates acquisition process , coordinates acquisition process , Concept stable
Carte topographique non ou mal géoréférencé (ex : plan historique, extrait de carte) 5 Les coordonnées sont déterminées par interpolation sur un pla... altimetric coordonates acquisition process , Concept , coordinates acquisition process , planimetric coordinates acquisition process stable
Nivellement conventionnel effectué avec un niveau ou un théodolite 6 Les coordonnées sont déterminées par nivellement géométrique ... altimetric coordonates acquisition process , coordinates acquisition process , Concept stable
Altimétrie radar 7 Les coordonnées sont déterminées à partir de mesures effectué... Concept , altimetric coordonates acquisition process , coordinates acquisition process stable
Carte bathymétrique 8 Les coordonnées sont déterminées par interpolation sur une ca... Concept , planimetric coordinates acquisition process , altimetric coordonates acquisition process , coordinates acquisition process stable
Carte marine de navigation 9 Les coordonnées sont déterminées par interpolation sur une c... coordinates acquisition process , altimetric coordonates acquisition process , Concept , planimetric coordinates acquisition process stable
GPS/GNSS différentiel 10 Les coordonnées sont déterminées avec un récepteur GPS doté d... Concept , planimetric coordinates acquisition process , coordinates acquisition process , altimetric coordonates acquisition process stable
Globe virtuel (ex : Google Earth) 11 Les coordonnées sont déterminées à partir d'un service de car... altimetric coordonates acquisition process , Concept , coordinates acquisition process , planimetric coordinates acquisition process stable
Théodolite 12 Les coordonnées sont déterminées à l'aide d'une station total... planimetric coordinates acquisition process , coordinates acquisition process , Concept stable
Image satellite ou aérienne 13 Les coordonnées sont déterminées à partir d'imagerie satellit... planimetric coordinates acquisition process , coordinates acquisition process , Concept stable
Planche cadastrale 14 Les coordonnées sont déterminées à l'aide d'un plan cadastral planimetric coordinates acquisition process , Concept , coordinates acquisition process stable
Données disponibles au voisinage de l’ouvrage 15 L’association a été réalisée à partir des informations dispon... association method , Concept stable
Bassin versant hydrogéologique (cas des sources) 16 Ce mode d’association concerne exclusivement les sources dont... association method , Concept stable
Bassin versant de surface (cas des sources) 17 Ce mode d’association concerne exclusivement les sources dont... Concept , association method stable
Coupe technique 18 L’association a été réalisée à partir d'une coupe technique d... association method , Concept stable
Profondeur de l'ouvrage 19 L’association a été réalisée à partir de la profondeur du poi... Concept , association method stable
Positionnement géographique 20 Rattachement par positionnement géographique (sous SIG) au dr... Concept , association method stable
Coupe géologique 21 L’association a été réalisée à partir d'une coupe géologique ... association method , Concept stable
Microsonde électronique (EPMA) 22 Dispositif d'analyse dans lequel la surface polie d'un échant... Process , Concept , analysis method stable
Spectrométrie de masse à plasma à couplage inductif (ICP / MS) 23 méthode physique d'analyse chimique permettant de doser un gr... physical method , spectrometric method , analysis method , Process , Concept , chimical method , geochimical method stable
Analyse isotopique 24 L’analyse isotopique est basée sur la mesure de la masse des ... geochimical method , Concept , physical method , analysis method , isotopic method , Process , spectrometric method , chimical method stable
Analyse des isotopes radiogéniques 25 geochimical method , spectrometric method , analysis method , physical method , isotopic method , chimical method , Process , Concept stable
Analyse des isotopes stables 26 isotopic method , analysis method , physical method , Process , spectrometric method , chimical method , Concept , geochimical method stable
Particle size distribution 27 The particle size distribution provides a description of soil... geotechnical test , Concept , laboratory ground test , laboratory test , Process , normalised method , granulometric method stable
Tamisage 28 Passage d'un produit solide ou d'une suspension au tamis pour... Process , granulometric method , Concept , physical method stable
Granulométrie laser 29 Cette technique utilise le principe de diffraction et de diff... physical method , Concept , Process , diffractometric method , granulometric method stable
Sédigraphie par rayon X 30 Cette technique, ayant pour base le frottement hydraulique, p... Concept , physical method , Process , granulometric method stable
Spectrométrie 31 Ensemble des méthodes d'analyse spectrale permettant d'accéde... physical method , chimical method , Process , Concept , spectrometric method , analysis method stable
Spectrométrie Infra-rouge 32 La spectrométrie infrarouge est une technique d'analyse qui c... Concept , spectrometric method , Process , physical method , chimical method , analysis method stable
Spectrométrie raman 33 La spectroscopie Raman est une méthode d’analyse chimique non... Concept , spectrometric method , analysis method , chimical method , Process , physical method stable
Thermométrie 34 Mesure de la température analysis method , Process , thermometric method , Concept stable
Thermométrie Raman 35 Thermométrie RSCM (Raman Spectroscopy on Carbonaceous matter)... analysis method , Process , Concept , thermometric method stable
Diffractométrie 36 Concept , Process , diffractometric method stable
Analyse par rayons X 37 Process , Concept stable
Microscopie optique 39 Analyse au microscope optique microscopical method , Concept , analysis method , Process stable
Microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) 40 Concept , microscopical method , Process , analysis method stable
Microscopie électronique à transmission (MET) 41 microscopical method , analysis method , Process , Concept stable
Cathodoluminescence 42 La cathodoluminescence est le phénomème optique et electrique... Concept , analysis method , Process , microscopical method stable
Comptage de points 43 Méthode consistant à réaliser un comptage de grains à l'échel... Process , Concept stable
Datation radiochronologique 44 Analyse qui permet de déterminer un age absolu Concept , Process , datation method , analysis method , radiochronological method stable
Datation absolue U-Pb 45 Méthode de datation absolue basée sur la décroissance radioac... radiochronological method , datation method , analysis method , Process , Concept stable
Datation absolue U-Th-Pb 46 Méthode de datation absolue basée sur la décroissance radioac... analysis method , Process , datation method , radiochronological method , Concept stable
Datation absolue U-Th/He 47 datation method , analysis method , Process , Concept , radiochronological method stable
Datation absolue U-Th 48 Méthode de datation absolue basée sur la décroissance radioac... Concept , Process , radiochronological method , analysis method , datation method stable
Datation absolue carbone 14 49 Méthode de datation absolue basée sur la décroissance radioac... Process , datation method , analysis method , radiochronological method , Concept stable
Datation absolue Sm-Nd 50 Méthode de datation absolue basée sur la décroissance radioac... Concept , Process , datation method , radiochronological method , analysis method stable
Datation absolue Rb-Sr 51 Méthode de datation absolue qui repose sur la désintégration ... analysis method , radiochronological method , Process , datation method , Concept stable
Datation radiométrique K-Ar 52 La datation par le potassium-argon (ou K-Ar) est une méthode ... Concept , datation method , Process , analysis method stable
Datation radiométrique Ar-Ar 53 La datation argon-argon est une méthode de datation radiométr... Process , analysis method , Concept , datation method stable
Datation radiométrique Re-Os 54 La datation par le rhénium-osmium est une méthode de datation... Concept , datation method , Process , analysis method stable
Biostratigraphie 55 La biostratigraphie permet de caractériser les couches géolog... Process , analysis method , Concept , datation method stable
Paléopalynologie 56 La paléopalynologie étudie les pollens et les spores fossilis... Concept , datation method , Process , analysis method stable
Paléontologie 57 La paléontologie étudie les restes fossiles des êtres vivants... datation method , Process , Concept , analysis method stable
Micro-paléontologie 58 La micropaléontologie est une spécification de la paléontolog... Concept , datation method , Process , analysis method stable
Analyse densimétrique 59 Process , Concept , analysis method stable
Pesée hydrostatique 60 Concept , Process , analysis method stable
Pycnométrie à l'hélium 61 analysis method , Concept , Process stable
Thermochronologie 62 Process , analysis method , Concept stable
Traces de fission sur apatite (AFT) 63 Concept , Process , analysis method stable
Traces de fission sur zircon (ZFT) 64 Concept , Process , analysis method stable
Analyse magnétique 65 Concept , Process , analysis method stable
Paléomagnétisme 66 Méthode basée sur la mesure du champ magnétique passé de la T... Concept , Process , analysis method stable
Analyse de la susceptibilité magnétique 67 Process , analysis method , Concept stable
Mesure de la radioactivité naturelle 69 La radioactivité est le phénomène physique par lequel des noy... analysis method , Process , Concept stable
Groundwater depth measurement by electronic probe 70 Piezometric depth measurement by electronic probe Concept , Process , physical method stable
Groundwater depth measurement by manual probe 71 Piezometric depth measurement by manual probe Process , physical method , Concept stable
Manual measure 72 Manual measurement using various manual probe, scale reading Process , Concept , physical method stable
Graphic recording 73 The measurement is carried out with a recorder (float, spirit... physical method , Concept , Process stable
Digital recording 74 The measurement is carried out with a digital recorder, (pseu... Process , physical method , Concept stable
Digital recording teletransmitted 75 The measurement is carried out with a digital recorder which ... Concept , physical method , Process stable
Mesure de la vitesse 76 Process , Concept stable
Mesure de la direction du vent 77 La direction du vent est toujours donnée par la direction d'o... Process , Concept stable
Mesure de la pression 78 La mesure de la pression est l'analyse d'une force appliquée ... Concept , Process stable
Mesure de l'humidité de l'air 79 L'humidité mesure la quantité de vapeur d'eau présente dans l... Process , Concept stable
Radiométrie infrarouge 80 Process , Concept stable
Mesure du rayonnement solaire 81 Process , Concept stable
Mesure de la pluviométrie 82 Process , Concept stable
Mesure de la résistivité 83 Process , Concept stable
Mesure de la puissance 84 Process , Concept stable
Mesure de débit 85 Process , Concept stable
Cone penetration test 86 Static cone penetration test with measurement of cone resista... geotechnical test , in situ test , Concept , Process stable
Mechanical cone penetration test 87 The mechanical cone penetration test (CPTM) consists in pushi... Process , in situ test , normalised method , Concept , geotechnical test stable
Electrical cone penetration test 88 The electrical cone penetration test (CPT) consists in pushin... geotechnical test , Process , Concept , in situ test , normalised method stable
piezocone penetration test 89 The piezocone penetration test (CPTU) is an electrical cone p... in situ test , Concept , geotechnical test , Process , normalised method stable
Dynamic penetration test 90 in situ test , geotechnical test , Process , Concept stable
Standard Penetration test 91 The standard penetration test aims to determine the resistanc... Process , geotechnical test , in situ test , normalised method , Concept stable
Dynamic probing 92 The dynamic probing consists in determining the resistance to... in situ test , geotechnical test , Concept , Process , normalised method stable
Essai au pressiomètre 93 Mesure de la résistance à la pression geotechnical test , Process , Concept , in situ test stable
Ménard pressuremeter test 94 The Ménard pressuremeter test is performed by the radial expa... in situ test , geotechnical test , Concept , Process , normalised method stable
Self-boring pressuremeter test 95 The self-boring pressuremeter test consists in the measuremen... normalised method , geotechnical test , Process , Concept , in situ test stable
Full displacement pressuremeter test 96 The full displacement pressuremeter consists in the measureme... normalised method , Concept , Process , in situ test , geotechnical test stable
Dilatometer test 97 Process , in situ test , Concept , geotechnical test stable
Flexible dilatometer test 98 The flexible dilatometer tests consists in measuring the expa... Concept , Process , normalised method , in situ test , geotechnical test stable
Borehole jack test 99 The borehole jack test consists in the installation of two di... in situ test , Concept , normalised method , geotechnical test , Process stable
Field vane test 100 The field vane test is used to determine the vane shear stren... Concept , Process , normalised method , geotechnical test , in situ test stable
Flat jack test 101 The purpose of the test is the measurement of in situ stress.... geotechnical test , Process , Concept , in situ test , stress measurement process in aRock mass stable
Hydraulic Testing of pre-existing fractures (HTPF) 102 The HTPF method provides an evaluation of the complete stress... Process , geotechnical test , in situ test , Concept , stress measurement process in aRock mass stable
Water permeability test in a borehole using open systems 103 The water permeability test in a borehole using open system a... Concept , Process , in situ test , geohydraulic test , geotechnical test , normalised method stable
Water pressure test in rock (Lugeon packer test) 104 The water pressure test in rock, also called "Lugeon packer t... geohydraulic test , geotechnical test , normalised method , Process , Concept , in situ test stable
Pumping test 105 A pumping test consists in principle of: drawing down the pie... in situ test , geohydraulic test , geotechnical test , normalised method , Concept , Process stable
Infilirometer test 106 The infiltrometer test applies to the in situ determination o... geohydraulic test , Process , normalised method , Concept , in situ test , geotechnical test stable
Water permeability test in a borehole using closed systems 107 The water permeability tests in a borehole using closed syste... in situ test , geotechnical test , geohydraulic test , normalised method , Concept , Process stable
Water content measure 108 The water content (also known as moisture) is the massic perc... laboratory ground test , laboratory test , Concept , Process , normalised method , geotechnical test stable
Bulk density 109 There are three methods for the determination of the bulk den... Process , geotechnical test , laboratory test , Concept , normalised method , laboratory ground test stable
Particle density 110 The particle density can be determined by two methods, a pycn... Process , normalised method , laboratory test , geotechnical test , Concept , laboratory ground test stable
Incremental loading oedometer test 111 The oedometer test is carried out on a cylindrical test speci... laboratory ground test , geotechnical test , Concept , normalised method , Process , laboratory test stable
Unconfined compression test 112 The unconfined compressive strength aims to measure the stren... laboratory test , Process , geotechnical test , normalised method , Concept , laboratory ground test stable
Unconsolidated undrained triaxial test 113 The unconsolidated undrained triaxial test (UU) aims to the d... laboratory ground test , geotechnical test , normalised method , Process , Concept , laboratory test stable
Consolidated undrained triaxial compression test on water saturated soils 114 The consolidated undrained triaxial test (CU) aims to the det... laboratory test , Process , geotechnical test , normalised method , Concept , laboratory ground test stable
Consolidated drained triaxial compression test on water saturated soils 115 The consolidated drained triaxial test (CD) aims to the deter... laboratory ground test , Concept , laboratory test , Process , geotechnical test , normalised method stable
Direct shear test 116 The direct shear test, also called shearbox test is generally... geotechnical test , Process , Concept , normalised method , laboratory ground test , laboratory test stable
Atterberg limits : liquid ans plastic limits 117 The Atterberg limits comprise the liquid and plastic limits o... Process , laboratory test , laboratory ground test , geotechnical test , Concept , normalised method stable
Shrinkage test 118 The effective shrinkage characteristic on undisturbed soil sa... Concept , normalised method , laboratory ground test , experimental method , laboratory test , geotechnical test , Process stable
Measuring of the methylene blue adsorption capacity of a rocky soil — Determination of the methylene blue of a soil by means of the stain test 119 The methylene blue value of a soil (VBS) measures the adsorpt... normalised method , laboratory ground test , Process , geotechnical test , Concept , laboratory test stable
Determination of the organic matter content - Ignition method 120 This test measures the organic mass content of the particle s... geotechnical test , experimental method , Concept , laboratory ground test , laboratory test , Process , normalised method stable
Determination of the organic matter content - Soil chemical test 121 This test measures the mass content of organic matter in a so... laboratory ground test , normalised method , Process , chimical method , geotechnical test , Concept , laboratory test , analysis method stable
Determination of the decomposition state (humification) of organic soils - Von Post test 122 The Von Post test applies to all fine soils with an organic m... geotechnical test , Concept , laboratory ground test , normalised method , laboratory test , Process stable
Determination of the carbonate content - Calcimeter method 123 The purpose of this test is to conventionally determine the p... geotechnical test , Concept , normalised method , Process , laboratory ground test , laboratory test stable
Determination of minimal and maximal density of cohesionless soils 124 The minimum and maximum densities of non-cohesive soils corre... Concept , laboratory ground test , normalised method , laboratory test , Process , geotechnical test stable
Laboratory vane test 125 This test allows the measurement of the undrained cohesion of... laboratory ground test , laboratory test , geotechnical test , Process , Concept , normalised method stable
Oedometer swelling test - Swelling determination by testing on several specimens 126 The swelling test with the oedometer is carried out on fine m... swelling test , Process , laboratory ground test , laboratory test , geotechnical test , normalised method , experimental method , Concept stable
Huder-Amberg swelling test 127 The Huder-Amberg test is a swelling test performed in oedomet... Concept , swelling test , laboratory test , Process , geotechnical test , normalised method , laboratory ground test stable
Soil quality - Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate 128 The sulphate content is determined on aqueous and acidic extr... geotechnical test , laboratory test , Process , Concept , normalised method , laboratory ground test stable
Determination of the compaction reference values of a soil type — Standard Proctor Test — Modified Proctor Test 129 This test determines the compaction characteristics of a mate... normalised method , Process , laboratory ground test , geotechnical test , laboratory test , Concept stable
Indice CBR après immersion. Indice CBR immédiat. Indice Portant Immédiat - Mesure sur échantillon compacté dans le moule CBR. 130 These tests allow the determination of: the Immediate Bearing... laboratory test , Concept , geotechnical test , Process , laboratory ground test , normalised method stable
Rock - Determination of water content of rock - Oven-drying method 131 The practical procedure for determining the water content of ... Concept , geotechnical test , laboratory test on rock , normalised method , laboratory test , Process stable
Rock - Tests for physical properties of rock - Determination of density - Cutting curb - Water immersion methods 132 This test aims to measure the volumic weight of a rock sample... laboratory test on rock , laboratory test , geotechnical test , normalised method , Process , Concept stable
Rock - Tests for physical properties of rock - Determination of porosity 133 The connected or total porosity is the ratio of pore volume b... laboratory test , Process , laboratory test on rock , Concept , geotechnical test , normalised method stable
Rock - Determination of the ultrasonic waves velocity in laboratory - Transmission method 134 The test consists of measuring the propagation time of an ult... geotechnical test , normalised method , Process , laboratory test on rock , laboratory test , Concept stable
Rock - Determination of the uniaxial compression strength 135 In the unconfined compressive strength test, a rock specimen ... laboratory test , Process , laboratory test on rock , Concept , geotechnical test , normalised method stable
Rock - Determination of the tensile strength - Indirect method - Brazil test 136 The tensile strength 'Brazilian test' on a rock specimen is a... Process , normalised method , laboratory test , geotechnical test , Concept stable
Rock - Determination of the triaxial compressive strength 137 The test consists of placing a rock cylinder specimen in a tr... normalised method , geotechnical test , Concept , Process , laboratory test , laboratory test on rock stable
Rock - Direct shear testing along a rock joint - Normal surface joint, constant load testing 138 The direct shear test is performed along a discontinuity pres... Process , geotechnical test , normalised method , Concept , experimental method , laboratory test stable
Rock - Determination of the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio 139 The Young modulus and the Poisson coefficient are elastic cha... geotechnical test , normalised method , Concept , Process , laboratory test , laboratory test on rock stable
Rock - Point load strength test - Franklin test 140 The Franklin test is a resistance test that consists of break... Process , normalised method , laboratory test on rock , experimental method , laboratory test , Concept , geotechnical test stable
Rock - Determination of the drill penetration index 141 The CERCHAR hardness test is a microdrilling test, with an 8 ... Concept , geotechnical test , laboratory test on rock , experimental method , normalised method , Process , laboratory test stable
Rock - Determination of the rock abrasiveness - Part 1 : Scratching-test with a pointed tool 142 L'indice d'abrasivité d'un matériau rocheux est déterminé à p... laboratory test on rock , normalised method , laboratory test , Concept , geotechnical test , Process stable
Rock - Determination of the rock abrasiveness - Part 2 : Test with a rotating tool 143 The ABR abrasivity index is determined by measuring the wear ... laboratory test on rock , normalised method , Process , laboratory test , Concept , geotechnical test stable
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 2: Methods for the determination of resistance to fragmentation 144 The Los Angeles test aims to determine the resistance to frag... laboratory test , Concept , geotechnical test , Process , normalised method , laboratory test on rock stable
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 1: Determination of the resistance to wear (micro-Deval) 145 The microDeval test reflects the wear resistance of an aggreg... laboratory test , Process , laboratory test on rock , Concept , geotechnical test , normalised method stable
Expert estimates or Engineering judgment 146 Assessment of the value of a physical parameter or property ... Concept , Process stable
Correlation 147 Link between different parameters, demonstrated using statist... Process , computation method , Concept stable
Back analysis 148 A reverse problem is a method in which one tries to determine... Concept , Process stable
échantillonnage brut 149 L'échantillonnage est effectué sans aucune préparation sur le... Concept , Process , sampling method , preparation step stable
retrait de la végétation 150 L'échantillonnage est effectué en retirant la végétation (ex.... sampling method , Process , Concept , preparation step stable
retrait des éléments grossiers (blocs, cailloux, corps étrangers) 151 L'échantillonnage est effectué en retirant les éléments gross... Process , Concept , preparation step , sampling method stable
retrait de la végétation et des éléments grossiers 152 L'échantillonnage est effectué en retirant les éléments gross... Process , preparation step , sampling method , Concept stable
tamisage sur site < 2 mm 153 L'échantillonnage est effectué en effectuant un tamisage sur ... Process , preparation step , Concept , sampling method , granulometric method , physical method stable
Mesure du contenu volumétrique en eau 154 Méthode utilisée pour mesurer la teneur volumique en eau. Cet... Concept , Process stable