Entry: Direct shear test
URI: https://data.geoscience.fr/ncl/Proc/116
The direct shear test, also called shearbox test is generally used for the determination of peak effective shear strength parameters of soils. The ring shear test is generally used for the determination of residual effective shear strength parameters of fine grained soils. Residual effective shear strength parameters can also be obtained from shearbox tests and peak effective shear strength parameters can also be obtained from ring shear tests. The test method consists of placing the test specimen in the direct shear device, applying a pre-determined vertical stress, providing for draining (and wetting if required) of the test specimen, consolidating the specimen under vertical stress and then shearing the specimen. This shearing is imposed by displacing one part horizontally, relatively with respect to the other part of the specimen at a constant rate of shear-deformation. The shearing force and the horizontal and vertical displacements are measured as the specimen is sheared. Shearing is applied slowly enough to allow excess pore pressures to dissipate by drainage so that effective stresses are equal to total stresses.
Core metadata
is a | geotechnical test | Process | Concept | normalised method | laboratory ground test | laboratory test |
category | 14 |
submitted by | Hélène Bressan |
accepted on | 5 Aug 2021 09:33:07.869 |
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date accepted |
5 Aug 2021 09:33:07.869
date submitted |
5 Aug 2021 08:56:57.985
definition |
description |
item class |
| Process
| laboratory ground test
| laboratory test
| normalised method
| geotechnical test
label |
notation |
register |
status |
status stable
submitter |
type |
register item
version info |
category |
description |
in scheme |
is referenced by |
label |
notation |
pref label |
source |
status |
top concept of |
type |
geotechnical test
| Process
| Concept
| normalised method
| laboratory ground test
| laboratory test