
Entry: Rock - Determination of the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio


The Young modulus and the Poisson coefficient are elastic characteristics determined during a uniaxial or triaxial compression test. The Young modulus is calculated from the axial shortening of the specimen during the elastic phase of the test. The Poisson coefficient is the ratio between the axial and the radial strain.

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is a geotechnical test | normalised method | Concept | Process | laboratory test | laboratory test on rock
category 14
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 5 Aug 2021 09:25:06.078

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:25:06.078
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.644
entity Rock - Determination of the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio
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en The Young modulus and the Poisson coefficient are elastic characteristics determined during a uniaxial or triaxial compression test. The Young modulus is calculated from the axial shortening of the specimen during the elastic phase of the test. The Poisson coefficient is the ratio between the axial and the radial strain.
fr Le module de Young et le coefficient de Poisson sont des caractéristiques élastiques déterminées au cours d'un essai de compression uniaxiale ou triaxiale. Le module de Young est calculé à partir du raccourcissement axial de l'éprouvette pendant la phase élastique de l'essai. Le coefficient de Poisson est le ratio entre la déformation axiale et la déformation radiale de l'éprouvette
item class laboratory test on rock | Process | laboratory test | geotechnical test | normalised method | Concept
en Rock - Determination of the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio
fr Roches - Détermination du module de Young et du coefficient de Poisson
notation 139
register Proc
status status stable
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
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category geotechnics
en The Young modulus and the Poisson coefficient are elastic characteristics determined during a uniaxial or triaxial compression test. The Young modulus is calculated from the axial shortening of the specimen during the elastic phase of the test. The Poisson coefficient is the ratio between the axial and the radial strain.
fr Le module de Young et le coefficient de Poisson sont des caractéristiques élastiques déterminées au cours d'un essai de compression uniaxiale ou triaxiale. Le module de Young est calculé à partir du raccourcissement axial de l'éprouvette pendant la phase élastique de l'essai. Le coefficient de Poisson est le ratio entre la déformation axiale et la déformation radiale de l'éprouvette
in scheme Process
en Rock - Determination of the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio
fr Roches - Détermination du module de Young et du coefficient de Poisson
notation 139
pref label
en Rock - Determination of the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio
fr Roches - Détermination du module de Young et du coefficient de Poisson
source NF P94-425 Avril 2002 (P94-425)
status Valid
top concept of Process
type geotechnical test | normalised method | Concept | Process | laboratory test | laboratory test on rock


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