Rock - Determination of the ultrasonic waves velocity in laboratory - Transmission method 134 experimental

The test consists of measuring the propagation time of an ultrasonic wave between two ends of a rock sample on which a piezoelectric transmitter and receiver are placed. Propagation of ultrasonic wave velocity is the ratio between the distance between the sensors and the propagation time.

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  • Rock - Determination of the ultrasonic waves velocity in laboratory - Transmission method
  • Vitesse de propagation des ondes ultrasonores - méthode par transparence
  • 134
  • NF P94-411 Avril 2002 (P94-411)

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:27:16.624
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.452
entity Rock - Determination of the ultrasonic waves velocity in laboratory - Transmission method
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en The test consists of measuring the propagation time of an ultrasonic wave between two ends of a rock sample on which a piezoelectric transmitter and receiver are placed. Propagation of ultrasonic wave velocity is the ratio between the distance between the sensors and the propagation time.
fr L'essai consiste à mesurer le temps de parcours d'une onde ultrasonore entre deux extrémités d'un échantillon de roche sur lesquelles sont placées un émetteur et un récepteur piézo-éléc-trique. La vitesse de propagation est le rapport entre la distance entre les capteurs et le temps de parcours.
item class laboratory test on rock | Process | normalised method | laboratory test | Concept | geotechnical test
en Rock - Determination of the ultrasonic waves velocity in laboratory - Transmission method
fr Vitesse de propagation des ondes ultrasonores - méthode par transparence
notation 134
register Process
status status experimental
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2