Borehole jack test 99 experimental

The borehole jack test consists in the installation of two diametral cylindrical steel loading plates in the ground and opened by pressure. Pressure applied to, and associated opening of the probe are measured and recorded so as to obtain a stress-displacement relationship of the ground for the range of the expected design stress. The tes is applicable in ground stiff enough not to be adversely affected by the drilling operation

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  • Borehole jack test
  • Essai au dilatomètre rigide diamétral
  • 99
  • NF EN ISO 22476-7 Mars 2013 (P94-521-7)
  • ISO 22476-7:2012

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:26:46.031
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.204
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en The borehole jack test consists in the installation of two diametral cylindrical steel loading plates in the ground and opened by pressure. Pressure applied to, and associated opening of the probe are measured and recorded so as to obtain a stress-displacement relationship of the ground for the range of the expected design stress. The tes is applicable in ground stiff enough not to be adversely affected by the drilling operation
fr L'essai au dilatomètre rigide diamétral consiste à placer deux coquilles de chargement en acier cylindriques et diamétrales dans le terrain et déplacées par pression. La pression appliquée et le déplacement associé sont mesurés et enregistrés de manière à déterminer la relation contrainte-déplacement du terrain dans la plage des contraintes estimées dans le cadre de l’étude. L'essai est applicable dans un terrain suffisamment ferme pour ne pas être affecté par l'opération de forage.
item class in situ test | Concept | geotechnical test | normalised method | Process
en Borehole jack test
fr Essai au dilatomètre rigide diamétral
notation 99
register Proc
status status experimental
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2