Water content measure 108 experimental

The water content (also known as moisture) is the massic percentage of water contained in the soil divided by the dry weight. The practical procedure for determining the water content of a soil is to determine the mass loss on drying the test specimen to a constant mass in a drying oven controlled at a given temperature. The mass loss is assumed to be due to free water and is referenced to the remaining dry mass of solid particles.

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  • Mesure de la teneur en eau pondérale
  • Water content measure
  • 108
  • ISO 17892-1:2014
  • NF EN ISO 17892-1 Décembre 2014 (P94-512-1)

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:32:01.920
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.075
entity Water content measure
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en The water content (also known as moisture) is the massic percentage of water contained in the soil divided by the dry weight. The practical procedure for determining the water content of a soil is to determine the mass loss on drying the test specimen to a constant mass in a drying oven controlled at a given temperature. The mass loss is assumed to be due to free water and is referenced to the remaining dry mass of solid particles.
fr La teneur en eau est le pourcentage massique d'eau contenue dans un sol, rapporté à sa masse sèche. Le mode opératoire permettant de définir la teneur en eau d'un sol consiste à déterminer la perte de masse par dessiccation de l'éprouvette jusqu'à masse constante dans une étuve de séchage asservie à une température donnée. On considère que la perte de masse est due à l'eau libre, et elle est mise en relation avec la masse sèche restante des particules solides.
item class Concept | geotechnical test | laboratory ground test | laboratory test | normalised method | Process
en Water content measure
fr Mesure de la teneur en eau pondérale
notation 108
register Process
status status experimental
account name h.bressan@brgm.fr
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2