Atterberg limits : liquid ans plastic limits 117 experimental

The Atterberg limits comprise the liquid and plastic limits of a soil. The liquid limit is the water content at which a soil changes from the liquid to the plastic state. It is carried out on a specimen of soil from which material larger than about 0,4 mm has been removed. Two methods can be used: the fall cone method and the Casagrande method. The plastic limit of a soil is the water content at which a soil ceases to be plastic when dried further.

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  • Détermination des Limites d'Atterberg
  • Atterberg limits : liquid ans plastic limits
  • 117
  • NF EN ISO 17892-12 Juillet 2018 (P94-512-12)
  • ISO 17892-12:2018

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:30:29.270
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.264
entity Atterberg limits : liquid ans plastic limits
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en The Atterberg limits comprise the liquid and plastic limits of a soil. The liquid limit is the water content at which a soil changes from the liquid to the plastic state. It is carried out on a specimen of soil from which material larger than about 0,4 mm has been removed. Two methods can be used: the fall cone method and the Casagrande method. The plastic limit of a soil is the water content at which a soil ceases to be plastic when dried further.
fr Les limites de liquidité et de plasticité d’un sol constituent deux des limites d’Atterberg applicables aux sols. La limite de liquidité est la teneur en eau à laquelle un sol passe de l’état liquide à l’état plastique. Elle est réalisée sur un échantillon de sol duquel les particules de dimension supérieure à 0,4 mm ont été retirés. Deux méthodes sont utilisées: la méthode du cône tombant et la méthode de Casagrande. La limite de plasticité d’un sol est la teneur en eau à laquelle ce sol cesse d’être plastique lorsque l’on continue à le sécher.
item class Process | laboratory ground test | geotechnical test | Concept | normalised method | laboratory test
en Atterberg limits : liquid ans plastic limits
fr Détermination des Limites d'Atterberg
notation 117
register Process
status status experimental
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2