Register: root
Register representing the root of the registry tree.
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Name | Notation | Description | Types | Status |
Alteration | Alter | This register lists the different types of alteration of a ro... | concept scheme , Container , Register | stable |
Anthropic materials | AnthroMat | This register identifies the materials (organic or mineral) w... | concept scheme , Container , Register | stable |
Cavity type | CaviTy | This register lists all the types of cavities. By cavity is m... | concept scheme , Container , Register | stable |
type of data access service | DatAcSeTy | This register lists the different data access service types | Container , Register , concept scheme | stable |
Chronostratigraphic divisions | DivChronoStrat | This register contains all chronostratigraphic divisions | Register , Container | stable |
Geochronological divisions | DivGeoChrono | This register contains all the divisions of the geochronologi... | Register , Container | stable |
Environmental Impact | EnvImpMinActi | This file contains the CGI Earth Resource Environmental Impac... | concept scheme , Container , Register | stable |
Type of events | EventType | This register identifies all types of geological events. | concept scheme , Register , Container | stable |
Fluid type | FluTy | This register lists all the types of fluids. | concept scheme , Container , Register | stable |
Fossil traces | FosTrac | This register identifies the main fossilized structures produ... | Container , Register | stable |
Relationship between the descriptive elements | GeolElemRel | This register identifies the different relationships between ... | Container , concept scheme , Register | stable |
Fossils | GeolFos | This register lists fossils commonly encountered in the field... | concept scheme , Container , Register | stable |
Geological contacts | GeolStrcCon | This register lists the main types of geological contacts fre... | Register , Container | stable |
Type of line | GeolStrcLi | This register specifies the different types of lines used to ... | Register , Container | stable |
Type of plan | GeolStrcPla | This register specifies the different types of plan used to d... | Register , Container | stable |
Sedimentary structures | GeolStrcSed | This register lists all the forms and structures generated in... | concept scheme , Register , Container | stable |
Chronostratigraphy / Geochronology | GeolTs | This register contains the geological timescale | Container , concept scheme , Register | stable |
Chronostratigraphical / geochronological boundaries | GeolTsBound | This register contains the geological timescale boundaries | Container , Register , Collection | stable |
Geologic Units types | GeolUnitType | This register lists all the geologic units. | Container , Register , concept scheme | stable |
Hydraulic regime | HydrauReg | This register identifies the different hydraulic regime. | Register , concept scheme , Container | stable |
Characteristic of the environment of a hydrogeological entity | HydroUnitCarac | This register identifies the different characteristics of the... | concept scheme , Register , Container | stable |
State of the hydrogeological entity | HydroUnitStat | This register identifies the various states of the hydrogeolo... | Container , concept scheme , Register | stable |
Keywords | Keywords | Registre des mots-clefs basé sur le thésaurus Pascal de l'ini... | Container , Collection , Register | stable |
Informal lithostratigraphy | LiStInfo | This register lists a set of generic terms describing units o... | Container , concept scheme , Register | stable |
Dominant formations of lithostratigraphic units | LithoStratForDo | This register contains the dominant lithostratigraphic format... | Container , concept scheme , Register | stable |
Lithostratigraphic ranks | LithoStratRank | This register lists all the lithostratigraphic ranks. | Register , concept scheme , Container | stable |
Minerals | Minls | This register lists the main minerals used for decriptions of... | Register , concept scheme , Container | stable |
Missing information | MissInfo | This register specifies the absence of information | Register , Container , concept scheme | stable |
Morphology | Morpho | This register contains the differents morphology used to decr... | Register , concept scheme , Container | stable |
Objets of Interest - Parameters and substances | ObjParSubs | This register identifies the different objects of interest wh... | Container , concept scheme , Register | stable |
Observed properties | ObsProp | This register contains the observed properties. | Register , concept scheme , Container | stable |
Operational status | OpeStat | This register identifies the various operational states that ... | Register , concept scheme , Container | stable |
Origin of the information | OrigInf | This register identifies the origin of the information, ie wh... | concept scheme , Container , Register | stable |
Process | Proc | This register lists the different methods and processes that ... | Container , Register , concept scheme | stable |
Adjectives and qualifiers | QualAdj | This register contains qualifying nouns and qualifying groups... | Container , Register | stable |
Quality of the association between the resource and the water point | QualAssoPoinRess | This register identifies the various quality of the associati... | Container , concept scheme , Register | stable |
Qualification of the observation result | QualiDa | This register lists the qualification levels of the result of... | Container , Register , concept scheme | stable |
Rock components | RockComp | This register contains rocks component which are the particle... | Container , concept scheme , Register | stable |
Sensors | SenTy | This register contains the differents sensors used to produce... | concept scheme , Register , Container | stable |
data status | StaDa | This register lists the status of the data in question to fac... | Register , Container , concept scheme | stable |
Thematic of entity | ThemElem | This register contains the possible values for the thematic... | Container , Register | stable |
Nature of water point | WaPoNa | This register identifies the different nature of a structure... | concept scheme , Container , Register | stable |
Origine of the well | WaPoOrig | This register identifies the origin of the information, ie wh... | concept scheme , Container , Register | stable |
Well type | WelTyp | This register identifies the different sources / well. | concept scheme , Register , Container | stable |
Definitions | def | Code lists, concept schemes and other collections in the regi... | Register , Container | stable |
Lithology | litho | This register contains the lithological classification of the... | Register , Container , concept scheme | stable |
Lithology rank | lithorank | This register contains the hierarchical classification of gen... | Container , Register | stable |
Element nature | natelem | This register contains the possible values for the referenc... | Container , Register | stable |
Observation support | obssup | This register contains the different types of observation sup... | Register , Container | stable |
Status | status | This register contains the states of validity used for an ele... | Container , Register | stable |
Structure | structure | Code lists used to aid organizing and presenting the Environm... | Register , Container | stable |
System register | system | Internal registers which are used to control system operation | Register , Container | stable |
Units of measure | uom | This register contains the units of measurement used for the... | Collection , Container , Register | stable |