
Register: Fluid type


This register lists all the types of fluids.

Core metadata

is a concept scheme | Container | Register
category 2 | 19
owned by 1
changed on 21 Nov 2024 08:12:06.116
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 5 Dec 2022 15:24:45.779

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All properties of the register

category 2 | 19
en This register lists all the types of fluids.
fr Ce registre recense les types de fluides.
has member relation member
has top concept gas | liquid
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
en Fluid type
fr Type de fluides
member carbon dioxide | oil | liquid | gas | polyhaline water | mine water | water | acid mine drainage | natural gas | oil | air | oligohaline water | salt water | fresh water | brackish water | leachate | vapor | mesohaline water | hyperhaline water
modified 21 Nov 2024 08:12:06.116
notation FluTy
owner 1
type concept scheme | Container | Register
version info 2
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Contents (tree view)

liquid Etat de la matière où les atomes et les molécules sont faible... stable
gas Etat de la matière où les atomes et les molécules sont très f... stable