
Register: Morphology


This register contains the differents morphology used to decribe an element.

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is a Register | concept scheme | Container
category 5
owned by 1
changed on 20 Nov 2024 15:14:27.714
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 12 Dec 2019 14:27:30.132

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category 5
en This register contains the differents morphology used to decribe an element.
fr Ce registre contient l'ensemble des différentes morphologies servant à décrire un élément.
has member relation member
has top concept Concordant to subconcordant primary orebody | Discordant primary orebody | Orebodies of anthropic origin | Surficial orebody of secondary origin | Atypical, unspecified or ill-defined form | Mixed (concordant to subconcordant and discordant) primary orebody
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
en Morphology
fr Morphologie
member Stratabound envelope of disseminated ore | Concordant mass or lens of massive ore | Stratiform mass or lens of massive to semimassive ore (syn-depositional with host rock) | Veins, veinlets (thickness < 20 cm) | Mass or lens of secondary origin | Primary cavity- or fracture-filling orebody | Stratiform envelope of disseminated ore | Varied synchronous to sub-synchronous primary orebodies | Mixed (concordant to subconcordant and discordant) primary orebody (synchronous to sub-synchronous emplacement) | Stratiform bed | Concordant to subconcordant primary orebody | Travertine and geyserite (sinter) | Column, chimney with possibly brecciated ore | Discordant lode or vein (thickness > 50 cm), in clusters or isolated | Discordant mass (cylinder, sheet, cone, etc.) with filling commonly brecciated | Concordant envelope of disseminated ore | Concordant to subconcordant stockwork (veinlets network) envelope | Paleoplacers | Pockets, per descensum lodes | Orebodies of anthropic origin | Present-day or recent placers | Breccia | Tabular-shaped orebody of secondary origin | Magmatic dyke | Stratabound bed | Lode (thickness > 20 cm) | Breccia-pipe, chimney, column, brecciated dyke | Mineralized boulder | Synchronous to sub-synchronous lode (s) and bed (s) | Mixed (concordant to subconcordant and discordant) primary orebody | Bed | Discordant envelope of disseminated ore | Bedded-vein (sill) | Subconcordant or stratabound mass or lens of massive to submassive ore | Pod, pod-shaped body | Surficial orebody of secondary origin | Dissiminated nodule and/or vugs, amygdaloids fillings | Secondary orebody filling cavities, fractures, lodes, pockets or karst | Stratoid or discordant ore body related to a major unconformity | Fault, shear zone | Stockwork | Lodes, veins, tension-gash, in echelon or sigmoidal | Field of discordant lodes (n*km2, n*ha) | Discordant mass or lens of massive ore | Cap, blanket, crust, concretion | Discordant primary orebody | Tailings, dumps, stockpiles | Atypical, unspecified or ill-defined form
modified 20 Nov 2024 15:14:27.714
notation Morpho
owner 1
type Register | concept scheme | Container
version info 2
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Contents (list view)

Name Notation Description Types Status
Concordant to subconcordant primary orebody 1 Concept stable
Bed 2 Concept stable
Stratiform bed 3 Concept stable
Stratabound bed 4 Concept stable
Concordant mass or lens of massive ore 5 Concept stable
Stratiform mass or lens of massive to semimassive ore (syn-depositional with host rock) 6 Concept stable
Subconcordant or stratabound mass or lens of massive to submassive ore 7 Concept stable
Pod, pod-shaped body 8 Concept stable
Concordant envelope of disseminated ore 9 Concept stable
Stratiform envelope of disseminated ore 10 Concept stable
Stratabound envelope of disseminated ore 11 Concept stable
Dissiminated nodule and/or vugs, amygdaloids fillings 12 Concept stable
Bedded-vein (sill) 13 Concept stable
Concordant to subconcordant stockwork (veinlets network) envelope 14 Concept stable
Travertine and geyserite (sinter) 15 Concept stable
Discordant primary orebody 16 Concept stable
Discordant mass or lens of massive ore 17 Concept stable
Discordant envelope of disseminated ore 18 Concept stable
Breccia-pipe, chimney, column, brecciated dyke 19 Concept stable
Discordant mass (cylinder, sheet, cone, etc.) with filling commonly brecciated 20 Concept stable
Column, chimney with possibly brecciated ore 21 Concept stable
Discordant lode or vein (thickness > 50 cm), in clusters or isolated 22 Concept stable
Lodes, veins, tension-gash, in echelon or sigmoidal 23 Concept stable
Field of discordant lodes (n*km2, n*ha) 24 Concept stable
Magmatic dyke 25 Concept stable
Lode (thickness > 20 cm) 26 Concept stable
Veins, veinlets (thickness < 20 cm) 27 Concept stable
Stockwork 28 Concept stable
Fault, shear zone 29 Concept stable
Breccia 30 Concept stable
Mixed (concordant to subconcordant and discordant) primary orebody 31 Concept stable
Mixed (concordant to subconcordant and discordant) primary orebody (synchronous to sub-synchronous emplacement) 32 Concept stable
Synchronous to sub-synchronous lode (s) and bed (s) 33 Concept stable
Varied synchronous to sub-synchronous primary orebodies 34 Concept stable
Primary cavity- or fracture-filling orebody 35 Concept stable
Stratoid or discordant ore body related to a major unconformity 36 Concept stable
Surficial orebody of secondary origin 37 Concept stable
Tabular-shaped orebody of secondary origin 38 Concept stable
Mass or lens of secondary origin 39 Concept stable
Cap, blanket, crust, concretion 40 Concept stable
Mineralized boulder 41 Concept stable
Secondary orebody filling cavities, fractures, lodes, pockets or karst 42 Concept stable
Pockets, per descensum lodes 43 Concept stable
Present-day or recent placers 44 Concept stable
Paleoplacers 45 Concept stable
Orebodies of anthropic origin 46 Concept stable
Tailings, dumps, stockpiles 47 Concept stable
Atypical, unspecified or ill-defined form 48 Concept stable