
Registre : Link definitions


A system register which lists all link definitions which the UI should look for when rendering individual items

Métadonnées principales

est un Register | Container
catégorie 3
modifié le 28 Jan 2019 13:45:57.926
soumis parbootstrap

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Toutes les propriétés du registre

category 3
description A system register which lists all link definitions which the UI should look for when rendering individual items
label Link definitions
member Concept associé | Has organizational unit | A pour top concept | Est top concept de | A pour spécialisation le(s) concept(s) | Unit of | Est dans le concept scheme | Exact match pour | Sub-organization of | Has sub-organization | A pour généralisation le concept
modified 28 Jan 2019 13:45:57.926
type Register | Container
version info 16
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Nom Notation Description Types Statut
A pour généralisation le concept broader UI template for finding skos:broader links path template stable
Exact match pour exactMatch UI template for finding skos:exactMatch links path template stable
Has sub-organization hasSubOrganization UI template for finding org:hasSubOrganization links path template stable
A pour top concept hasTopConcept UI template for finding inverse skos:topConceptOf links path template stable
Has organizational unit hasUnit UI template for finding org:hasUnit links path template stable
Est dans le concept scheme inScheme UI template for finding skos:inScheme links path template stable
A pour spécialisation le(s) concept(s) narrower UI template for finding skos:narrower links path template stable
Concept associé related UI template for finding skos:related links path template stable
Sub-organization of subOrganizationOf UI template for finding org:subOrganizationOf links path template stable
Est top concept de topConceptOf UI template for finding skos:topConceptOf links path template stable
Unit of unitOf UI template for finding org:unitOf links path template stable