- https://data.geoscience.fr/ncl
- _LithoStratRank
Register: Lithostratigraphic ranks
URI: https://data.geoscience.fr/ncl/LithoStratRank
This register lists all the lithostratigraphic ranks.
Core metadata
is a | Register | concept scheme | Container |
category | 2 |
owned by | 1 |
licence | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ |
changed on | 20 Nov 2024 15:19:03.958 |
submitted by | Hélène Bressan |
accepted on | 3 Apr 2020 14:55:13.474 |
Download formats available
RDF ttl | plain | with metadata |
RDF/XML | plain | with metadata |
JSON-LD | plain | with metadata |
CSV | plain | with metadata |
ROR | plain | |
Export all | export |
All properties of the register
category |
description |
has member relation |
hierarchy child property |
hierarchy parent property |
hierarchy root property |
top concept of
is member of relation |
in scheme
label |
license |
member |
| Supersequence
| Subgroup
| Supergroup
| Sequence
| Megasequence
| Parasequence
| Supersuite
| Suite
| Not specified
| Member
| Lithodeme
| Complex
| Bed
| Group
modified |
20 Nov 2024 15:19:03.958
notation |
owner |
type |
| concept scheme
| Container
version info |
Select tab to expand
Contents (list view)
Name | Notation | Description | Types | Status |
Complex | 1 | A lithostratigraphic unit composed of diverse types of any cl... | Concept | stable |
Megasequence | 2 | A succession of st of supersequences. A megasequence is bound... | Concept | stable |
Not specified | 3 | Unit is not part of a defined stratigraphic hierarchy. | Concept | stable |
Supergroup | 4 | A supergroup is a formal assemblage of related or superposed ... | Concept | stable |
Supersuite | 5 | A formal lithodemic unit next higher in rank to suite. It com... | Concept | stable |
Supersequence | 6 | A succession of sequences, which is delimited by remarkable 2... | Concept | stable |
Sequence | 7 | A succession of genetically related strata bounded on top and... | Concept | stable |
Group | 8 | A group is the lithostratigraphic unit next higher in rank to... | Concept | stable |
Subgroup | 9 | A subgroup is the lithostratigraphic unit next higher in rank... | Concept | stable |
Formation | 10 | A body of rock identified by lithic characteristics and strat... | Concept | stable |
Member | 11 | A formal lithostratigraphic unit next in rank below a formati... | Concept | stable |
Bed | 12 | The smallest formal lithostratigraphic unit, usually a distin... | Concept | stable |
Suite | 13 | A formal lithodemic unit next higher in rank to lithodeme. It... | Concept | stable |
Lithodeme | 14 | A body of predominantly intrusive, highly deformed and/or hig... | Concept | stable |
Parasequence | 15 | Relatively conformable succession of beds/units of geneticall... | Concept | stable |