Formation 10 experimental

A body of rock identified by lithic characteristics and stratigraphic position; it is usually but not necessarily tabular and is mappable at the Earth's surface or traceable in the subsurface. Formations are the only formal lithostratigraphic units into which the stratigraphic column everywhere should be divided completely on the basis of lithology. The contrast in lithology between formations required to justify their establishment varies with the complexity of the geology of a region and the detail needed for geologic mapping and to work out its geologic history. No formation is considered justifiable and useful that cannot be delineated at the scale of geologic mapping practiced in the region. The thickness of formations may range from less than a meter to several thousand meters.

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date accepted 3 Apr 2020 14:55:18.083
date submitted 3 Apr 2020 14:55:00.192
entity Formation
source graph graph

en A body of rock identified by lithic characteristics and stratigraphic position; it is usually but not necessarily tabular and is mappable at the Earth's surface or traceable in the subsurface. Formations are the only formal lithostratigraphic units into which the stratigraphic column everywhere should be divided completely on the basis of lithology. The contrast in lithology between formations required to justify their establishment varies with the complexity of the geology of a region and the detail needed for geologic mapping and to work out its geologic history. No formation is considered justifiable and useful that cannot be delineated at the scale of geologic mapping practiced in the region. The thickness of formations may range from less than a meter to several thousand meters.
fr Un corps de roche identifié par ses caractéristiques lithologiques et sa position stratigraphique; il est artographiable et / ou identifiable en sub-surface. Les formations sont les seules unités lithostratigraphiques formelles dans lesquelles la colonne stratigraphique devrait partout être entièrement divisée sur la base de la lithologie. Le contraste en lithologie entre les formations nécessaires pour justifier leur implantation varie avec la complexité de la géologie d'une région et les détails nécessaires à la cartographie géologique et à l'élaboration de son histoire géologique. Aucune formation n'est considérée comme justifiable et utile si elle ne peut être délimitée à l'échelle de la cartographie géologique pratiquée dans la région. L'épaisseur des formations peut aller de moins d'un mètre à plusieurs milliers de mètres.
item class Concept
en Formation
fr Formation
modified 7 Dec 2022 08:51:36.567
notation 10
register Lithostratigraphic ranks
status status experimental
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 3