
Entry: phosphate


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is a Concept
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 29 Mar 2022 14:35:40.603

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date accepted 29 Mar 2022 14:35:40.603
date submitted 18 Mar 2022 10:21:58.393
entity phosphate
source graph graph

item class Concept
en phosphate
es fosfato
fr phosphate
notation 366bd172-53cb-4b11-8255-34c19cfd85af
register Keywords
status status stable
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 3
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hidden label
en phosphates
en Phosphate
fr Phosphate
in scheme Thesaurus des sciences de la terre
narrower coeruleolactite | chalcosiderite | wardite | anapaite | reddingite | uranocircite | meta-autunite | lusungite | orpheite | parahopeite | montebrasite | taranakite | andrewsite | triphylite | churchite | rosieresite | monazite | heterosite | switzerite | natrophilite | magniotriplite | barbosalite | faheyite | cheralite | eosphorite | wolfeite | lazulite | kingite | laubmannite | ludlamite | evansite | fairfieldite | lüneburgite | vashegyite | lithiophilite | bobierrite | montgomeryite | gordonite | phosphammite | borickite | metavariscite | vivianite | millisite | tsumebite | lithiophosphate | vauxite | strengite | moraesite | karnasurtite | jagowerite | dittmarite | libethenite | dufrenite | xanthoxenite | sarcopside | bolivarite | griphite | zwieselite | struvite | jahnsite | trolleite | strunzite | brianite | fritzscheite | brazilianite | tarbuttite | stercorite | planerite | landesite | varulite | wavellite | davisonite | triplite | babefphite | farringtonite | phosphoferrite | berlinite | paravauxite | richellite | robertsite | saleeite | biphosphammite | hydroxylherderite | bassetite | apatite | messelite | metavivianite | gorceixite | beraunite | beryllonite | coconinoite | triploidite | sampleite | seamanite | tavorite | tinticite | eylettersite | parsonsite | cassidyite | pyromorphite | väyrynenite | ...
pref label
en phosphate
es fosfato
fr phosphate
sem category
en Mineral
fr Minéral
type Concept


In concept scheme

Has narrower concept