Impact environnemental des activités minières

Ce registre recense les différents impacts environnementaux découlant des activités minières. Ce registre reprend le travail de l'IUGS et est donc constitué du vocabulaire CGI Earth Resource Environmental Impact (, tel que défini par le groupe de travail sur la terminologie géoscientifique de la Commission IUGS pour l'information géoscientifique (CGI). Le vocabulaire définit les concepts permettant de catégoriser les impacts associés aux activités d'extraction des ressources terrestres.

      change note
  • 2014-02-23 Conversion to SKOS by SM Richard
  • 2021-12-17 Rachel Heaven (BGS) Edits to remove trailing white space from sdo:name value
  • 2015-01-08 OLR Edits to fix typos and remove '201401' from rdf file name.
  • 2021-12-17 R.Heaven BGS Added prefLabel and altLabel in non English languages, obtained from previously determined alignments between @en labels in CGI and Multi-lingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (MulTG) and Asian Multi-lingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (AMTG). Note that specific language packs are required to render the fonts. Known issues: @lo and @fi labels were incorrectly encoded in the digitised source datasets; they have been included regardless of this in case the encoding can be corrected.
  • 2020-06-23 NJC Added properties to ensure vocab matched Geoscience Australia's vocab profile ( Just annotation properties, no new content. Agents (creator/publisher) now not text but RDF resource. Dates (create/modified) derived from editorial notes & existing date properties.
  • 2016-11-28 OLR regenerate SKOS-RDF file as part of migration to new vocabulary server. No change to previous concepts definitions.
  • 28 Nov 2016
  • Ce registre recense les différents impacts environnementaux découlant des activités minières. Ce registre reprend le travail de l'IUGS et est donc constitué du vocabulaire CGI Earth Resource Environmental Impact (<ahref=''></a>), tel que défini par le groupe de travail sur la terminologie géoscientifique de la Commission IUGS pour l'information géoscientifique (CGI). Le vocabulaire définit les concepts permettant de catégoriser les impacts associés aux activités d'extraction des ressources terrestres.
  • This file contains the CGI Earth Resource Environmental Impact vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group. The vocabulary defines concepts for categorizing impacts associated with Earth Resource extraction activities. By extension, this vocabulary includes all concepts in this conceptScheme, as well as concepts in any previous versions of the scheme.
      editorial note
  • This file contains the 2016 SKOS-RDF version of the CGI Earth Resource Environmental Impact vocabulary. Vocabulary Shepherd: Carlo Cipolloni. Compilation and review in Google doc spreadsheet; adopted 2014-01-10; converted to MS Excel XML for SKOS generation using SKOS_for_GA_from_XLS_2016.03.xslt
  • EnvImpMinActi
  • The EarthResourceML standard
  • cgi
      version info
  • 2

Toutes les propriétés du registre

category ressources minérales
change note
en 2014-02-23 Conversion to SKOS by SM Richard
en 2021-12-17 Rachel Heaven (BGS) Edits to remove trailing white space from sdo:name value
en 2015-01-08 OLR Edits to fix typos and remove '201401' from rdf file name.
en 2021-12-17 R.Heaven BGS Added prefLabel and altLabel in non English languages, obtained from previously determined alignments between @en labels in CGI and Multi-lingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (MulTG) and Asian Multi-lingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (AMTG). Note that specific language packs are required to render the fonts. Known issues: @lo and @fi labels were incorrectly encoded in the digitised source datasets; they have been included regardless of this in case the encoding can be corrected.
en 2020-06-23 NJC Added properties to ensure vocab matched Geoscience Australia's vocab profile ( Just annotation properties, no new content. Agents (creator/publisher) now not text but RDF resource. Dates (create/modified) derived from editorial notes & existing date properties.
en 2016-11-28 OLR regenerate SKOS-RDF file as part of migration to new vocabulary server. No change to previous concepts definitions.
created 28 Nov 2016
creator cgi gtwg
fr Ce registre recense les différents impacts environnementaux découlant des activités minières. Ce registre reprend le travail de l'IUGS et est donc constitué du vocabulaire CGI Earth Resource Environmental Impact (<ahref=''></a>), tel que défini par le groupe de travail sur la terminologie géoscientifique de la Commission IUGS pour l'information géoscientifique (CGI). Le vocabulaire définit les concepts permettant de catégoriser les impacts associés aux activités d'extraction des ressources terrestres.
en This file contains the CGI Earth Resource Environmental Impact vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group. The vocabulary defines concepts for categorizing impacts associated with Earth Resource extraction activities. By extension, this vocabulary includes all concepts in this conceptScheme, as well as concepts in any previous versions of the scheme.
editorial note This file contains the 2016 SKOS-RDF version of the CGI Earth Resource Environmental Impact vocabulary. Vocabulary Shepherd: Carlo Cipolloni. Compilation and review in Google doc spreadsheet; adopted 2014-01-10; converted to MS Excel XML for SKOS generation using SKOS_for_GA_from_XLS_2016.03.xslt
has member relation member
has top concept impact sur la santé | vibration | émission | chaleur | modification de l'habitat | impact physique
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
member émission gazeuse | exhaure mine acide | impact sur la santé | émission de liquide aqueux | modification de l'habitat | drainage minier basique | émission liquide | rupture de barrage | émission de liquide non aqueux | instabilité | subsidence | drainage minier neutre | rayonnement | effondrement | rejet de liquide aqueux souterrain | odeur | chaleur | émission de particules | émission de fibres minérales | sédimentation | érosion | rejet liquide aqueux en surface | bruit de fond | perturbation visuelle | exhaure mine | eaux de ruissellement | émission | vibration | émission radioactive | impact physique | glissement terrain | poussière
modified 19 Jul 2024 07:56:49.284
notation EnvImpMinActi
owner cgi
pref label
fr Impact environnemental des activités minières
en Environmental Impact
provenance The EarthResourceML standard
publisher cgi
type SKOS Concept Scheme | Container | Register
version info 2

Contenu (vue hierarchique)

physical impact Impact due to direct physical effects of natural processes re... stable
heat Impact includes noticable thermal release from mining activit... stable
emission Any release or disposal of a substance into the environment stable
habitat modification Impact due to modification of landscape and ecosystem on or a... stable
vibration Ground and airborne vibration (airblast) caused by resource e... stable
health impact Resource extraction activity directly or indirectly impacts t... stable