Fossil traces

This register identifies the main fossilized structures produced in non-lithiated sediments, sedimentary rocks or other substrates by the activity or growth of organisms: fossilized burrows, perforations, footprints, traces, etc.

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  • Fossil traces
  • Traces fossiles
  • FosTrac
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category geology
en This register identifies the main fossilized structures produced in non-lithiated sediments, sedimentary rocks or other substrates by the activity or growth of organisms: fossilized burrows, perforations, footprints, traces, etc.
fr Ce registre recense les principales structures fossilisées produites dans des sédiments non lithifiés, des roches sédimentaires ou d’autres substrats par l’activité ou la croissance d’organismes : terriers fossilisés, perforations, empreintes de pas, traces, etc.
has member relation member
en Fossil traces
fr Traces fossiles
member Siphonichnus | Root Structure | Planolites | Ophiomorpha nodosa | Macaronichnus | Bichordites | Cylindrichnus | Palaeophycus | Scolicia | Zoophycos | Teichichnus | Rosselia | Skolithos | Rhizocorallium | Asterozoma | Terebellina | Chondrites | Phycisiphon | Arenicolites | Diplocraterium habichi | Bergaueria | Conichnus | Nereites | Diplocraterium parallelum | Taenidium | Thalassinoides
modified 25 Mar 2019 12:54:52.335
notation FosTrac
owner BRGM
type Container | Register
version info 3


Name Description Types Status