
Register: Anthropic materials


This register identifies the materials (organic or mineral) which have undergone a modification (that is to say a transformation or a modification) by man.

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is a concept scheme | Container | Register
category 2 | 7 | 19
owned by 1
changed on 20 Nov 2024 15:13:28.244
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 2 Jun 2020 14:23:20.811

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category 2 | 7 | 19
en This register identifies the materials (organic or mineral) which have undergone a modification (that is to say a transformation or a modification) by man.
fr Ce registre recense les matériaux (organiques ou minéraux) ayant subi une modification (c'est-à-dire une transformation ou une modification) par l'homme.
has member relation member
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy parent property broader
hierarchy root property top concept of
is member of relation in scheme
en Anthropic materials
fr Matériaux anthropiques
member Compost | Matériau primaire minéral | Acier | Torchis | Pisé | Matériau manufacturé organique | Stuc | PETE | Matériau anthropique manufacturé | Bauge | Scories (résidus) | Carrelage et faïence | PE | Enrobé | Phosphogypse | Boue (résidus) | Bois brut | Tuile | Métal non ferreux | Laine de roche et laine de verre | Herbe | PS | Plastique | Sablon (granulat) | Cendre (résidus) | Stabilisé | Fer à béton | Matériau anthropique primaire | Granit (carrier) | Matériau primaire organo-minéral | Matériau manufacturé minéral | Zinc | Calamine | Cuivre | Fibro-ciment | Sable (granulat) | Goudron | Agrégat | Bois traité | Plâtre | PP | Étain | PTFE | Terre crue | PVC | Carton | Grave | textile | Béton | Boue de STEP | Suie | PC | Fonte | Verre (manufacturé) | Branchages | Hydrocarbure transformé | Coke | Laitier | Matériau primaire organique | Pierre taillée | Terre cuite | Pierre marbrière | Aluminium | Métal ferreux | Amiante | Ballast | Goudron de houille | Pierre reconstituée | Fine | PMMA | Terreau | Bronze | Asphalte (génie civil) | Adobe | PU | Papier | Matériau manufacturé organo-minéral | Rocher | ABS | Céramique | Paille | Mâchefer | Fer blanc | Schlamm | Ardoise de couverture | Chaux | Goudron de pin | Laiton | Pierre naturelle | Brique | Feuilles | Plomb | Ciment | Caoutchouc | Gravillon | Béton armé
modified 20 Nov 2024 15:13:28.244
notation AnthroMat
owner 1
type concept scheme | Container | Register
version info 4
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Contents (list view)

Name Notation Description Types Status
Matériau anthropique primaire 1 Tout matériau anthropique d'origine naturelle n'ayant pas sub... anthropogenic materials of natural origin , Concept stable
Matériau primaire organique 2 Tout matériau anthropique d'origine naturelle organique n'aya... anthropic materials of organic origin , anthropogenic materials of natural origin , Concept stable
Bois brut 3 Bois non traité taillé (bois de palette, bois de cagette, …) anthropic materials of organic origin , anthropogenic materials of natural origin , Concept stable
Branchages 4 Amas de branches issu d'élagage ou de taillage anthropic materials of organic origin , anthropogenic materials of natural origin , Concept stable
Feuilles 5 Amas de feuilles issu d'élagage ou de taillage anthropic materials of organic origin , Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Herbe 6 Produit de tonte ou de fauchage anthropic materials of organic origin , Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Paille 7 Résidu de tige céréalière (en ballot, en botte, en placage da... Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Compost 10 Support de culture composé en majorité de déchets organiques anthropic materials of organic origin , anthropogenic materials of natural origin , Concept stable
Matériau primaire organo-minéral 11 Tout matériau anthropique d'origine naturelle organo-minérale... Concept , organomineral antropic materials , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Terreau 12 Support de culture composé en majorité de matières organiques... anthropogenic materials of natural origin , organomineral antropic materials , Concept stable
Matériau primaire minéral 13 Tout matériau anthropique d'origine naturelle minérale n'ayan... Concept , anthropic materials of mineral origin , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Pierre taillée 14 Roche naturelle pouvant être taillée, polie anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Pierre naturelle 15 Roche naturelle pouvant être taillée, polie. Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Granit (carrier) 16 Toute roche dure grenue apte à la taille et au polissage anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Pierre marbrière 17 Toute roche dure sans grain ou très fin, apte à la taille et ... anthropogenic materials of natural origin , anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept stable
Terre crue 18 Terre utilisée comme matériau, sans cuisson préalable Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Adobe 19 Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin , organomineral antropic materials stable
Bauge 20 Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Pisé 21 anthropogenic materials of natural origin , anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept stable
Torchis 22 anthropogenic materials of natural origin , organomineral antropic materials , Concept stable
Agrégat 23 Fragment de roche, concassé ou roulé, d'une granulométrie inf... Geomaterials , anthropogenic materials of natural origin , Concept , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Rocher 24 Fragment de roche de granulométrie supérieure à 90 mm anthropic materials of mineral origin , anthropogenic materials of natural origin , Concept , Geomaterials stable
Grave 25 Granulat de granulométrie entre 63 et 125 mm anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , Geomaterials , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Ballast 26 Granulat de grande résistance à l'abrasion et de granulométri... Geomaterials , anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Gravillon 27 Granulat de granulométrie entre 2 et 63 mm anthropic materials of mineral origin , Geomaterials , Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Sable (granulat) 28 Granulat de granulométrie entre 0 et 4 mm Geomaterials , anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Sablon (granulat) 29 Granulat de granulométrie entre 0 et 1 mm, mais moins de 10% ... anthropogenic materials of natural origin , Concept , anthropic materials of mineral origin , Geomaterials stable
Fine 30 Granulat de granulométrie entre <2 mm, dont <85% sont <1,25 m... anthropogenic materials of natural origin , Geomaterials , Concept , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Matériau anthropique manufacturé 31 Tout matériau ayant subi une transformation par l'homme plus ... manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Matériau manufacturé organique 32 Tout matériau transformé par l'homme d'origine organique Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material stable
Bois traité 33 Bois ayant subi un traitement spécifique pour développer une... manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin stable
Goudron 34 Dérivé d'hydrocarbure (pétrole) pour la fabrication d'enrobés... manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin stable
Goudron de houille 35 Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material stable
Carton 36 Type de papier à fort grammage et pouvant être assemblé de fa... manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin stable
Papier 37 Assemblage de fibres végétales et d'additifs aplatis en feuil... anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Caoutchouc 38 Matériau issu de la polymérisation de la sève d'hévéa ou de c... manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of organic origin , Concept stable
Plastique 39 Matériau issu de la polymérisation de composés naturels ou sy... Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of organic origin stable
PS 40 Polymère du styrène manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin stable
PVC 41 Polymère de chlorure de vinyle Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of organic origin stable
PU 42 Polymère d'uréthane manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of organic origin , Concept stable
PMMA 43 Polymère de méthacrylate de méthyle Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material stable
PE 44 Polymère d'éthylène Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material stable
PTFE 45 Polytétrafluoréthylène anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
PP 46 Polymère thermoplastique de propylène manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin stable
PETE 47 Polytéréphtalate d'éthylène Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material stable
PC 48 Polymère de la polycondensation du bisphénol A manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin stable
ABS 49 Acrylonitrile butadiène styrène, terpolymère Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material stable
Coke 50 Combustible à base de charbon (houille) anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Cendre (résidus) 52 Particule fine issus de la combustion manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of organic origin stable
Suie 53 Agrégat de composés chimiques carbonés anthropic materials of organic origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
textile 54 Matériau composé de fibres naturelles (végétales) ou synthéti... anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Matériau manufacturé organo-minéral 55 Tout matériau transformé par l'homme d'origine organo-minéral... organomineral antropic materials , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Boue (résidus) 56 Résidu organique ou minéral, solide, liquide ou pâteux manufactured antropic material , Concept , organomineral antropic materials stable
Boue de STEP 57 Boue de station d'épuration, urbaine ou industrielle organomineral antropic materials , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Schlamm 58 Déchet minier composé de fines particules de charbon, additif... Concept , organomineral antropic materials , manufactured antropic material stable
Enrobé 59 manufactured antropic material , Concept , organomineral antropic materials stable
Asphalte (génie civil) 60 manufactured antropic material , organomineral antropic materials , Concept stable
Matériau manufacturé minéral 61 Tout matériau transformé par l'homme d'origine minérale anthropic materials of mineral origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Métal ferreux 62 anthropic materials of mineral origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Acier 63 anthropic materials of mineral origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Calamine 64 anthropic materials of mineral origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Fer à béton 65 manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Fonte 66 anthropic materials of mineral origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Fer blanc 67 manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Métal non ferreux 68 anthropic materials of mineral origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Laiton 69 manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Cuivre 70 Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Bronze 71 anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
Étain 72 anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
Aluminium 73 anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
Plomb 74 manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept stable
Zinc 75 Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Stabilisé 76 anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
Laitier 77 Le laitier correspond aux scories (sous-produits sidérurgique... manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept stable
Mâchefer 78 Le mâchefer est le résidu solide de la combustion du charbon ... anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
Scories (résidus) 79 Les scories sont des sous-produits solides issus de la fusion... Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Chaux 80 Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Stuc 81 Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Plâtre 82 Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Phosphogypse 83 Le phosphogypse est le gypse non naturel, issu du traitement ... Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Béton 84 Le béton est un assemblage de matériaux de nature généralemen... anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
Pierre reconstituée 85 anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
Béton armé 86 manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept stable
Ciment 87 Issu de la réaction endothermique entre du calcaire et de l'a... anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
Fibro-ciment 88 Le fibro-ciment est un matériau constitué d'un complexe de fi... anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
Amiante 89 anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , manufactured antropic material stable
Laine de roche et laine de verre 90 manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept stable
Terre cuite 91 La terre cuite est un matériau céramique obtenu par la cuisso... Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Brique 92 manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept stable
Carrelage et faïence 93 Concept , manufactured antropic material , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Céramique 94 manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Tuile 95 anthropic materials of mineral origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Verre (manufacturé) 96 manufactured antropic material , Concept , anthropic materials of mineral origin stable
Hydrocarbure transformé 100 anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable
Ardoise de couverture 101 anthropic materials of mineral origin , Concept , anthropogenic materials of natural origin stable
Goudron de pin 102 anthropic materials of organic origin , manufactured antropic material , Concept stable