Entry: Indice CBR après immersion. Indice CBR immédiat. Indice Portant Immédiat - Mesure sur échantillon compacté dans le moule CBR.
These tests allow the determination of: the Immediate Bearing Index (IPI); the immediate CBR index; the CBR index after immersion; a soil or granular material used in the construction of earth structures or pavement foundations. It applies to soils, rock materials, industrial by-products defined in NF P 11-300 and provided that the proportion of elements with a Dmax exceeding 20 mm does not exceed 30 %.
Core metadata
is a | laboratory test | Concept | geotechnical test | Process | laboratory ground test | normalised method |
submitted by | Hélène Bressan |
accepted on | 5 Aug 2021 09:27:31.342 |
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date accepted |
5 Aug 2021 09:27:31.342
date submitted |
5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.428
definition |
description |
item class |
laboratory ground test
| Concept
| Process
| normalised method
| laboratory test
| geotechnical test
label |
Indice CBR après immersion. Indice CBR immédiat. Indice Portant Immédiat - Mesure sur échantillon compacté dans le moule CBR.
notation |
register |
status |
status stable
submitter |
type |
register item
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description |
in scheme |
label |
Indice CBR après immersion. Indice CBR immédiat. Indice Portant Immédiat - Mesure sur échantillon compacté dans le moule CBR.
notation |
pref label |
Indice CBR après immersion. Indice CBR immédiat. Indice Portant Immédiat - Mesure sur échantillon compacté dans le moule CBR.
source |
NF P94-078 Mai 1997 (P94-078)
status |
top concept of |
type |
laboratory test
| Concept
| geotechnical test
| Process
| laboratory ground test
| normalised method