
Entry: Determination of the carbonate content - Calcimeter method


The purpose of this test is to conventionally determine the percentage of the carbonate fraction contained in a soil, rock or material for geotechnical identification.

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is a geotechnical test | Concept | normalised method | Process | laboratory ground test | laboratory test
category 14
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 5 Aug 2021 09:24:45.363

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:24:45.363
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.671
entity Determination of the carbonate content - Calcimeter method
source graph graph

en The purpose of this test is to conventionally determine the percentage of the carbonate fraction contained in a soil, rock or material for geotechnical identification.
fr Cet essai a pour but la détermination conventionnelle du pourcentage de la fraction carbonatée contenue dans un sol, une roche ou un matériau, en vue de son identification géotechnique.
item class Concept | laboratory test | laboratory ground test | geotechnical test | normalised method | Process
en Determination of the carbonate content - Calcimeter method
fr Détermination de la teneur en carbonate - Méthode du calcimètre
notation 123
register Proc
status status stable
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 3
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category geotechnics
en The purpose of this test is to conventionally determine the percentage of the carbonate fraction contained in a soil, rock or material for geotechnical identification.
fr Cet essai a pour but la détermination conventionnelle du pourcentage de la fraction carbonatée contenue dans un sol, une roche ou un matériau, en vue de son identification géotechnique.
in scheme Process
en Determination of the carbonate content - Calcimeter method
fr Détermination de la teneur en carbonate - Méthode du calcimètre
notation 123
pref label
en Determination of the carbonate content - Calcimeter method
fr Détermination de la teneur en carbonate - Méthode du calcimètre
same as 941
status Submitted
top concept of Process
type geotechnical test | Concept | normalised method | Process | laboratory ground test | laboratory test


In concept scheme

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