
Entry: Full displacement pressuremeter test


The full displacement pressuremeter consists in the measurement in situ of the deformation of soils and weak rocks by the expansion/contraction of a cylindrical flexible membrane under pressure.

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is a normalised method | Concept | Process | in situ test | geotechnical test
category 14
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 5 Aug 2021 09:31:14.445

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:31:14.445
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.712
entity Full displacement pressuremeter test
source graph graph

en The full displacement pressuremeter consists in the measurement in situ of the deformation of soils and weak rocks by the expansion/contraction of a cylindrical flexible membrane under pressure.
fr L'essai au pressiomètre refoulant consiste mesurer in situ la déformation d'un sol ou d'une roche tendre produite par l'expansion/la contraction d'une sonde cylindrique à membrane souple sous l'effet de la pression.
item class Process | Concept | normalised method | in situ test | geotechnical test
en Full displacement pressuremeter test
fr Essai au pressiomètre refoulant
notation 96
register Proc
status status stable
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 3
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broader Essai au pressiomètre
category geotechnics
en The full displacement pressuremeter consists in the measurement in situ of the deformation of soils and weak rocks by the expansion/contraction of a cylindrical flexible membrane under pressure.
fr L'essai au pressiomètre refoulant consiste mesurer in situ la déformation d'un sol ou d'une roche tendre produite par l'expansion/la contraction d'une sonde cylindrique à membrane souple sous l'effet de la pression.
is referenced by 72220.html
en Full displacement pressuremeter test
fr Essai au pressiomètre refoulant
notation 96
pref label
en Full displacement pressuremeter test
fr Essai au pressiomètre refoulant
en ISO 22476-8:2018
fr NF EN ISO 22476-8 Octobre 2018 (P94-521-8)
status Valid
type normalised method | Concept | Process | in situ test | geotechnical test


Has broader concept