Rock - Direct shear testing along a rock joint - Normal surface joint, constant load testing 138 experimental

The direct shear test is performed along a discontinuity present in a rock specimen. The sample is placed in the shear box such that the discontinuity is horizontal, it is then loaded vertically (normal stress) and sheared at a controlled deformation rate until it breaks.

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  • Rock - Direct shear testing along a rock joint - Normal surface joint, constant load testing
  • Roches - Cisaillement direct selon une discontinuité de roche - Essai sous un effort constant, normal à la surface de discontinuité
  • 138
  • XP P94-424 Mars 2003 (P94-424)

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:27:54.656
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.382
entity Rock - Direct shear testing along a rock joint - Normal surface joint, constant load testing
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en The direct shear test is performed along a discontinuity present in a rock specimen. The sample is placed in the shear box such that the discontinuity is horizontal, it is then loaded vertically (normal stress) and sheared at a controlled deformation rate until it breaks.
fr L'essai de cisaillement direct rectiligne est réalisé le long d'une discontinuité présente dans une éprouvette de roche. L'échantillon est placé dans la boîte de cisaillement de manière à ce que le plan de discontinuité soit horizontal, il est alors chargé verticalement (contrainte normale) puis cisaillé à vitesse de déformation contrôlée, jusqu'à la rupture.
item class laboratory test | normalised method | Concept | geotechnical test | experimental method | Process
en Rock - Direct shear testing along a rock joint - Normal surface joint, constant load testing
fr Roches - Cisaillement direct selon une discontinuité de roche - Essai sous un effort constant, normal à la surface de discontinuité
notation 138
register Process
status status experimental
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2