Entry: Rock - Determination of the triaxial compressive strength
The test consists of placing a rock cylinder specimen in a triaxial cell. The specimen is subjected to a constant lateral stress (confinement) for the duration of the test, and subjected to an increasing axial stress until the sample's failure. The triaxial compressive strength of rocks is generally influenced by their water content. The tests can be carried out:either on samples in the state in which they are taken, either on previously dried samples, or on previously saturated samples.
Core metadata
is a | normalised method | geotechnical test | Concept | Process | laboratory test | laboratory test on rock |
category | 14 |
changed on | 6 Aug 2021 09:39:44.907 |
submitted by | Hélène Bressan |
accepted on | 5 Aug 2021 09:30:36.575 |
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date accepted |
5 Aug 2021 09:30:36.575
date submitted |
5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.239
definition |
description |
item class |
laboratory test on rock
| laboratory test
| normalised method
| Concept
| Process
| geotechnical test
label |
modified |
6 Aug 2021 09:39:44.907
notation |
register |
status |
status stable
submitter |
type |
register item
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category |
description |
in scheme |
label |
notation |
pref label |
source |
NF P94-423 Mars 2002 (P94-423)
status |
top concept of |
type |
normalised method
| geotechnical test
| Concept
| Process
| laboratory test
| laboratory test on rock