
Entry: carbonate


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is a Concept
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 29 Mar 2022 14:35:47.849

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date accepted 29 Mar 2022 14:35:47.849
date submitted 18 Mar 2022 10:21:58.231
entity carbonate
source graph graph

item class Concept
en carbonate
es carbonato
fr carbonate
notation d32dc6fb-80e4-4b19-9b93-619bca5a9db4
register Keywords
status status stable
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 3
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hidden label
en Carbonate
en carbonates
fr Carbonate
in scheme Thesaurus des sciences de la terre
narrower stichtite | wegscheiderite | dawsonite | callaghanite | cerussite | sahamalite | rutherfordine | azurite | ancylite | gaspeite | ankerite | nahcolite | calkinsite | schröckingerite | burbankite | fairchildite | manasseite | weloganite | alstonite | strontianite | reevesite | aurichalcite | hydromagnesite | andersonite | bradleyite | mckelveyite | monohydrocalcite | loseyite | lokkaite | huntite | sjögrenite | northupite | widenmannite | barbertonite | röntgenite | dolomite | tengerite | ikaite | eitelite | stenonite | bismutite | siderite | lansfordite | hydroscarbroite | barringtonite | voglite | metazellerite | indigirite | kalicinite | magnesite | zellerite | knipovichite | tunisite | bütschliite | trona | huanghoite | thermonatrite | carbocernaite | malachite | dundasite | parisite | phosgenite | barytocalcite | rhodochrosite | zaratite | schuilingite | smithsonite | leadhillite | liebigite | teschemacherite | norsethite | hydrozincite | pyroaurite | hydroxylbastnäsite | eardleyite | shortite | kutnohorite | rabbittite | natron | glaukosphaerite | wermlandite | susannite | hellyerite | grimselite | beyerite | kettnerite | synchysite | lanthanite | rosasite | carboborite | wyartite | sphaerocobaltite | artinite | bastnaesite | coalingite | swartzite | nyerereite | ewaldite | cordylite | witherite | plumbonacrite | ...
pref label
en carbonate
es carbonato
fr carbonate
sem category
en Mineral
fr Minéral
type Concept