
Entry: Analysis / Measure


Number of members: 382.

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is a Collection | concept group
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 29 Mar 2022 14:35:44.839

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date accepted 29 Mar 2022 14:35:44.839
date submitted 18 Mar 2022 10:21:58.621
entity Analysis / Measure
source graph graph

item class Collection | concept group
en Analysis / Measure
fr Analyse / Mesure
notation 7d029838-05fc-4093-81fe-4f0906ee4f84
register Keywords
status status stable
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 3
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en Number of members: 382.
fr Nombre de membres : 382.
in scheme Thesaurus des sciences de la terre
member passive method | downhole method | sampling | multiple coverage | morphometry | geomorphological method | photogeologic method | neutron-neutron logging | electrophoresis | voltammetry | sample collecting | site exploration | Fourier analysis | vacuum fusion analysis | multidate imagery | dilatometric test | gas chromatogram | dendrogram | polarography | radio-wave method | neutron logging | radiometry | reflectogram | magnetotelluric sounding | drained soil test | statistical analysis | undrained soil test | EPR spectra | liquid chromatography | magnetotelluric method | seismic reflection | electron microscopy | sample preparation | seismic method | Rock-Eval | side-scanning method | Th/Th | neutron activation analysis | Thellier method | trophic analysis | signal-to-noise ratio | geologic barometry | photogrammetry | theoretical seismogram | major element analysis method | interlaboratory comparison | activation analysis | seismic refraction | Th/U | X-ray diffraction analysis | caliper logging | numerical seismogram | scissometry | orbital observation | infrared spectrometry | Rb/Sr | isotope dilution | Hugoniot analysis | absorption spectra | geophysical survey | microwave | well log | echo sounding | phase measurement | titrimetry | infrared survey | pressiometer test | potentiometry | geobotanical method | phase diagram | near-field spectra | factor analysis | gas chromatography | electromagnetic survey | geochemical method | Thomson-Haskell analysis | automatic cartography | crosshole method | K/Rb | AVO method | single-crystal diagram | correspondence analysis | spectral analysis | new method | chemical ratio | electromagnetic method | scanning electron microscopy | mass spectra | sand equivalent test | electrical survey | ion chromatography | spectrometry | seismic logging | gravity logging | ground truth | deep magnetic sounding | in situ | structural analysis | whole rock | particle-track dating | poloidal mode | ...
pref label
en Analysis / Measure
fr Analyse / Mesure
super group Grouping by semantic type
type SKOS collection | concept group


In concept scheme