
Entry: Environment


Number of members: 951.

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is a concept group | Collection
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 29 Mar 2022 14:35:44.474

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date accepted 29 Mar 2022 14:35:44.474
date submitted 18 Mar 2022 10:21:58.574
entity Environment
source graph graph

item class Collection | concept group
en Environment
fr Environnement
notation 7300be11-62ac-4ca8-ba0c-91c326e0333e
register Keywords
status status stable
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 3
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en Number of members: 951.
fr Nombre de membres : 951.
in scheme Thesaurus des sciences de la terre
member crystallization water | placer | fold belt | dehydration water | septaria | rockslide | subtidal environment | astrobleme | disjunctive fold | atmospheric deposit | cavern | lava tube | Earth's mantle | feldspar deposit | mangrove swamp | harmonic fold | land lease | stream placer | epicontinental basin | tool mark | pothole | boulder | disharmonic fold | rapid | loess | lebensspuren | lithosphere | juvenile water | paleoenvironment | pseudokarst | metamorphic core complexe | volcanic neck | peneplain | evaporite deposit | lateral fault | mineral water | rhythmic sequence | platform | core-mantle boundary | marginal sea | acid rain | black smoker | cascade | extinct lake | terrestrial environment | dry valley | peripheral fault | rain water | emergent coastline | active craton | abyssal plain | anticlinorium | salt marsh | ice cap | fluviolacustrine environment | cinder cone | Australian Plate | aluminum deposit | oblique fault | mud bank | gravel deposit | wallrock | basin | glacis | resurgence | beach ridge | amygdule | drape fold | underthrust fault | subaerial environment | low-energy environment | glacial environment | ocean floor | loam | drainage pattern | back-arc basin | right-lateral fault | taiga | underground stream | platform reef | atoll | beach placer | continent | natural curiosity | ring dike | pediplain | foreland | carbonate bank | paludal environment | esker | vermiculite deposit | lithospheric fault | gully | polygonal fracture | pinchout | Eurasian Plate | multiple aquifer | coastal dune | Bouma sequence | karren | Farallon Plate | ...
pref label
en Environment
fr Environnement
super group Grouping by semantic type
type concept group | SKOS collection


In concept scheme