
Entry: Natural phenomenon / Induced phenomenon


Number of members: 980.

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is a Collection | concept group
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 29 Mar 2022 14:35:43.625

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date accepted 29 Mar 2022 14:35:43.625
date submitted 18 Mar 2022 10:21:58.551
entity Natural phenomenon / Induced phenomenon
source graph graph

item class concept group | Collection
en Natural phenomenon / Induced phenomenon
fr Phénomène naturel / Phénomène induit
notation 636ea858-f806-4732-b194-4f1d9b83cf97
register Keywords
status status stable
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 3
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en Number of members: 980.
fr Nombre de membres : 980.
in scheme Thesaurus des sciences de la terre
member turbulent flow | structural control | ice rafting | paleogeographic control | Caledonian orogeny | lightning | jökulhlaup | purification | PKiKP-wave | cyclothem | induced polarization | phase shift | chemical dispersion | liming | mobilization | punctuated aggradational cycle | lagoonal sedimentation | atmosphere-soil interaction | glacier surge | hydraulic fracturing | upwelling | intermediate-focus earthquake | magnetic storm | reactivation | fixation | halo | glaciofluvial sedimentation | shock metamorphism | oceanization | vegetation effect | Pan-African orogeny | rubefaction | solar cycle | coastal sedimentation | atmospheric emission | natural attenuation | stylolitization | Chernobyl nuclear accident | solution transport | plane wave | segmentation | stabilization | downwelling | exhibit | anatexis | desertification | metamictization | water-rock interaction | polygenic process | chemical demagnetization | P-wave | stream capture | microclinization | coda wave | fault displacement | emergence | elastic wave | ablation | crystal growth | hydrovolcanism | postglacial rebound | thermal annealing | metasomatism | dam release | burial metamorphism | rock cementation | growth | dynamic metamorphism | intergrowth | greisenization | boudinage | volatilization | human activity | calcitization | gas injection | biocoenose | tsunami | early diagenesis | ultrametamorphism | chelation | superposed tectonic | Earth rotation | hydrothermal alteration | physical remanent magnetization | laminar flow | surface wave | desorption | differential settlement | hydrothermal circulation | overprinting | water storage | intrusion | fractionation | shallow-focus earthquake | propagation | blowout | climate change | hydration of glass | supergene process | nuclear fusion | ideal wave | ...
pref label
en Natural phenomenon / Induced phenomenon
fr Phénomène naturel / Phénomène induit
super group Grouping by semantic type
type SKOS collection | concept group


In concept scheme