
Entry: State of matter / State of medium


Number of members: 80.

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is a Collection | concept group
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 29 Mar 2022 14:35:42.040

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date accepted 29 Mar 2022 14:35:42.040
date submitted 18 Mar 2022 10:21:58.461
entity State of matter / State of medium
source graph graph

item class concept group | Collection
en State of matter / State of medium
fr Etat de la matière / Etat du milieu
notation 4a349a4d-2a4b-41f4-aabc-4d4e2235e82b
register Keywords
status status stable
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 3
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en Number of members: 80.
fr Nombre de membres : 80.
in scheme Thesaurus des sciences de la terre
member electromagnetic radiation | perovskite structure | solute | bubble | phenocryst | free energy | hydroelectric energy | colloidal gel | megacryst | twinning | single crystal | ultraviolet radiation | energy | fluorite structure | subsolidus | condensate | cosmic radiation | background radiation | X-ray | synchrotron radiation | crystal system | orthorhombic system | monoclinic system | solidus | solid phase | hexagonal system | visible radiation | seismic energy | alpha radiation | relaxation energy | ice | near infrared radiation | surface defect | liquid phase | crystal field | water vapor | geothermal energy | gamma radiation | solid solution | aerosol | wind energy | kinetic energy | interference pattern | triclinic system | aqueous solution | radiation | infrared radiation | crystal defect | gaseous phase | high-level geothermal energy | atomic packing | order-disorder | vapor phase | activation energy | solar radiation | beta radiation | gas | point defect | crystal structure | gel | crystal | solar energy | grain boundary | rutile structure | crystal dislocation | low-level geothermal energy | far infrared radiation | crystallite | fluid phase | microlite | lattice | unit cell | vacancy | color center | solution | tidal energy | phase transition | nuclear energy | gas bubble | molecular structure
pref label
en State of matter / State of medium
fr Etat de la matière / Etat du milieu
super group Grouping by semantic type
type SKOS collection | concept group


In concept scheme