Unités géologiques

Ce registre recense l'ensemble unités géologiques.

      hierarchy parent property
  • broader
  • Geologic Units types
  • Unités géologiques
  • GeolUnitType
      version info
  • 1

Toutes les propriétés du registre

category géologie
fr Ce registre recense l'ensemble unités géologiques.
en This register lists all the geologic units.
has member relation member
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy parent property broader
hierarchy root property top concept of
is member of relation in scheme
fr Unités géologiques
en Geologic Units types
member Unité magnétostratigraphique | Unité d'excavation | Unité géophysique | Unité lithostratigraphique | Unité de sol | Unité géotechnique | Unité d'altération | Unité pédostratigraphique | Unité biostratigraphique | Unité lithotectonique | Unité résultant d'un glissement de terrain | Unité lithodémique | Unité lithogénétique | Unité hydrogéologique | Unité à polarité chronostratigraphique | Unité de déformation | Pédoderme | Sol artificiel | Unité chronostratigraphique | Unité allostratigraphique | Unité lithologique | Unité géomorphologique
modified 8 Apr 2020 12:25:14.741
notation GeolUnitType
owner BRGM
type Container | Register | SKOS Concept Scheme
version info 1

Contenu (vue hierarchique)

Chronostratigraphic Unit Geologic unit that includes all rocks formed during a specifi... experimental
Lithologic Unit Geologic unit defined by lithology independent of relationshi... experimental
Geomorphologic Unit Geologic unit defined by surface landform, e.g. hummocky mora... experimental
Allostratigraphic Unit Geologic unit defined by bounding surfaces. Not necessarily s... experimental
Polarity Chronostratigraphic Unit Geologic unit defined by primary magnetic-polarity record imp... experimental
Biostratigraphic Unit Geologic unit defined based on fossil content. Five kinds of ... experimental
Geophysical Unit Geologic unit defined by its geophysical characteristics. Den... experimental
Lithotectonic Unit Geologic unit defined defined on basis of structural or defor... experimental
Lithogenetic Unit Geologic unit defined by genesis. The genesis is manifested b... experimental
Hydrogeological Unit Geological unit, aquifer or non-aquifer, corresponding to a p... experimental
Geotechnical Unit Geologic unit defined by her geotechnical properties experimental