Type of plan

This register specifies the different types of plan used to describe a geological structure

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  • Type of plan
  • Type de plan
  • GeolStrcPla
      version info
  • 4

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category geology
en This register specifies the different types of plan used to describe a geological structure
fr Ce registre précise les différents types de plan utilisés pour décrire une structure géologique.
has member relation member
en Type of plan
fr Type de plan
member Bedding plane | Dike/Seam wall orientation | Magmatic bedding plane | Fault plane | ASM foliation | Undefined plane | Stratification parallel to schistosity/foliation plane S1 | Vein wall orientation | Volcanic bedding plane | Axial plane | Undifferentiated contact plane | Fracture plane (Joint,…) | Schistosity/foliation plane | Shear surface
modified 25 Mar 2019 12:55:35.973
notation GeolStrcPla
owner BRGM
type Register | Container
version info 4


Name Description Types Status