
Registre : FAIR Incubator PEPR Sous-sol

URI: https://data.geoscience.fr/ncl/FAIR-Incubator-PEPR-Sous-sol

This register gathers a preliminary list of vocabularies to be FAIR-tuned for PEPR Sous-sol.

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est un Register | Container
soumis parCorentin Follenfant
accepté le 30 Oct 2024 13:49:11.569

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description This register gathers a preliminary list of vocabularies to be FAIR-tuned for PEPR Sous-sol.
label FAIR Incubator PEPR Sous-sol
member Type of line | Lithostratigraphic ranks | Rock components | Sedimentary structures | Relationship between the descriptive elements | Chronostratigraphy / Geochronology | Observation support | Lithology rank | Geochronological divisions | Type of plan | Geologic Units types | Minerals | Environmental Impact | Geological contacts | Chronostratigraphic divisions | Informal lithostratigraphy | Dominant formations of lithostratigraphic units | Morphology | Objects of Interest - Parameters and substances | Lithology | Type of events | Chronostratigraphical / geochronological boundaries | Fossils | Fossil traces
modified 30 Oct 2024 15:44:41.004
notation FAIR-Incubator-PEPR-Sous-sol
subregister Type of line | Relationship between the descriptive elements | Chronostratigraphic divisions | Chronostratigraphical / geochronological boundaries | Environmental Impact | Chronostratigraphy / Geochronology | Geochronological divisions | Observation support | Lithology rank | Morphology | Sedimentary structures | Informal lithostratigraphy | Minerals | Lithostratigraphic ranks | Type of plan | Type of events | Geologic Units types | Fossils | Objects of Interest - Parameters and substances | Dominant formations of lithostratigraphic units | Rock components | Fossil traces | Lithology | Geological contacts
type Register | Container
version info 37
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Nom Notation Description Types Statut
  Chronostratigraphic divisions DivChronoStrat This register contains all chronostratigraphic divisions. Container , concept scheme , Register experimental
  Geochronological divisions DivGeoChrono This register contains all the divisions of the geochronologi... Register , Container , concept scheme experimental
  Environmental Impact EnvImpMinActi This file contains the CGI Earth Resource Environmental Impac... concept scheme , Container , Register experimental
  Type of events EventType This register identifies all types of geological events. Register , concept scheme , Container experimental
  Fossil traces FosTrac This register identifies the main fossilized structures produ... Container , Register experimental
  Relationship between the descriptive elements GeolElemRel This register identifies the different relationships between ... Register , concept scheme , Container experimental
  Fossils GeolFos This register lists fossils commonly encountered in the field... concept scheme , Register , Container experimental
  Geological contacts GeolStrcCon This register lists the main types of geological contacts fre... concept scheme , Register , Container experimental
  Type of line GeolStrcLi This register specifies the different types of lines used to ... Container , Register experimental
  Type of plan GeolStrcPla This register specifies the different types of plan used to d... Register , Container experimental
  Sedimentary structures GeolStrcSed This register lists all the forms and structures generated in... concept scheme , Register , Container experimental
  Chronostratigraphy / Geochronology GeolTs This register contains the geological timescale. concept scheme , Container , Register experimental
  Chronostratigraphical / geochronological boundaries GeolTsBound This register contains the geological timescale boundaries. Collection , Register , Container experimental
  Geologic Units types GeolUnitType This register lists all the geologic units. concept scheme , Register , Container experimental
  Informal lithostratigraphy LiStInfo This register lists a set of generic terms describing units o... concept scheme , Container , Register experimental
  Dominant formations of lithostratigraphic units LithoStratForDo This register contains the dominant lithostratigraphic format... concept scheme , Container , Register experimental
  Lithostratigraphic ranks LithoStratRank This register lists all the lithostratigraphic ranks. Register , Container , concept scheme experimental
  Minerals Minls This register lists the main minerals used for descriptions o... Container , Register , concept scheme experimental
  Morphology Morpho This register contains the differents morphology used to decr... Register , concept scheme , Container experimental
  Objects of Interest - Parameters and substances ObjParSubs This register identifies the different objects of interest wh... Container , concept scheme , Register experimental
  Rock components RockComp This register contains rocks component which are the particle... concept scheme , Container , Register experimental
  Lithology litho This register contains the lithological classification of the... concept scheme , Container , Register experimental
  Lithology rank lithorank This register contains the hierarchical classification of gen... Container , Register experimental
  Observation support obssup This register contains the different types of observation sup... Register , Container , concept scheme experimental