
Entry: vibration


Ground and airborne vibration (airblast) caused by resource extraction activity or by transportation associated with the mining activity or related transportation (eg large lorries through narrow village roads).

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is a Concept
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 19 Jul 2024 06:52:54.834

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date accepted 19 Jul 2024 06:52:54.834
date submitted 19 Jul 2024 06:52:27.218
entity vibration
source graph graph

en Ground and airborne vibration (airblast) caused by resource extraction activity or by transportation associated with the mining activity or related transportation (eg large lorries through narrow village roads).
fr Vibrations terrestres et aériennes (souffle aérien) causées par l'activité d'extraction des ressources ou par le transport associé à l'activité minière ou au transport associé (par exemple de gros camions empruntant des routes de village étroites)
item class Concept
en vibration
es vibración
fr vibration
notation 99cf2cd8-776a-442a-be6b-bebad8021516
register env imp min acti
status status stable
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2
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en Ground and airborne vibration (airblast) caused by resource extraction activity or by transportation associated with the mining activity or related transportation (eg large lorries through narrow village roads).
fr Vibrations terrestres et aériennes (souffle aérien) causées par l'activité d'extraction des ressources ou par le transport associé à l'activité minière ou au transport associé (par exemple de gros camions empruntant des routes de village étroites)
en Ground and airborne vibration (airblast) caused by resource extraction activity or by transportation associated with the mining activity or related transportation (eg large lorries through narrow village roads).
fr Vibrations terrestres et aériennes (souffle aérien) causées par l'activité d'extraction des ressources ou par le transport associé à l'activité minière ou au transport associé (par exemple de gros camions empruntant des routes de village étroites)
in scheme environmental impact
is defined by environmental impact
en vibration
es vibración
fr vibration
narrower noise
notation 06
pref label
en vibration
es vibración
fr vibration
provenance This vocabulary
see also environmental impact
status Valid
top concept of environmental impact | Environmental Impact
type Concept


In concept scheme

Has narrower concept

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