Geochronological divisions

This register contains all the divisions of the geochronological ages

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      hierarchy parent property
  • broader
  • Geochronological divisions
  • Divisions géochronologiques
  • DivGeoChrono
      version info
  • 18

All properties of the register

category geology
en This register contains all the divisions of the geochronological ages
fr Ce registre contient l'ensemble des divisions des âges géochronologiques
has member relation member
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy parent property broader
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
en Geochronological divisions
fr Divisions géochronologiques
license Licences 4.0
member Eon | Sub-epoch | Age | Subage | Climate sub-zone | Chronozone | Period | Era | Supereon | Epoch
modified 12 Jun 2024 07:53:09.500
notation DivGeoChrono
owner BRGM
type Register | Container
version info 18

Contents (list view)

Name Description Types Status