
Register: Status


This register contains the states of validity used for an element

Core metadata

is a Container | Register
category 5 | 14 | 2 | 4
changed on 7 Dec 2021 15:55:55.270
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 17 May 2019 12:43:35.942

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All properties of the register

category 5 | 14 | 2 | 4
en This register contains the states of validity used for an element
fr Ce registre contient les états de validité utilisés pour un élément
has member relation member
en Status
fr Statut
member Valid | Submitted | Invalid | Superseded | Retired
modified 7 Dec 2021 15:55:55.270
notation status
type Container | Register
version info 9
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Name Notation Description Types Status
Invalid 2453fa17-494d-4a8f-9666-b71332b90fee A decision has been made that a previously valid register ite... Concept stable
Valid 4ff0326b-e83f-4b9c-acce-1afe8a3e984a The item has been accepted, is recommended for use, and has n... Concept stable
Superseded 680fa4cc-bbd7-442c-875b-d6c5a58b3e25 The item has been superseded by another item and is no longer... Concept stable
Submitted bb64b27c-256e-4cb5-9af2-a9c2403e4161 The item has been entered into the register, but the control ... Concept stable
Retired d1459438-588d-4e45-be6e-c4abe374da59 A decision has been made that the item is no longer recommend... Concept stable