data status

This register lists the status of the data in question to facilitate the use that may be made of it.

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  • Statut de la donnée
  • data status
  • StaDa
      version info
  • 3

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en This register lists the status of the data in question to facilitate the use that may be made of it.
fr Ce registre recense les statuts de la donnée considérée permettant de faciliter l'utilisation qui pourra en être faite.
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
en data status
fr Statut de la donnée
license Licences 4.0
modified 10 Jun 2024 13:01:10.519
notation StaDa
owner BRGM
type Register | Container | SKOS Concept Scheme
version info 3

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