type of data access service

This register lists the different data access service types

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  • type of data access service
  • Type de service d'accès à la donnée
  • DatAcSeTy
      version info
  • 2

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en This register lists the different data access service types
fr Ce registre recense les différents types de service d'accès à la donnée.
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
en type of data access service
fr Type de service d'accès à la donnée
license Licences 4.0
modified 14 Jun 2024 13:26:57.507
notation DatAcSeTy
owner BRGM
type Container | Register | SKOS Concept Scheme
version info 2

Contents (list view)

Name Description Types Status
API ad'hoc API spécifique permettant l'accès à des données Concept experimental
Web Processing Service Interface Standard (WPS) The OpenGIS® Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard ... resource , Concept experimental
OGC API - Records OGC API - Records provides a way to browse or search a curate... Concept , resource experimental
Web Map Service Interface Standard (WMS) The OpenGIS® Web Map Service Interface Standard (WMS) provide... Concept , resource experimental
OGC Web Coverage Service 1.0 resource , Concept experimental
OGC Web Coverage Service 2.0 Concept , resource experimental
OGC SensorThings API The OGC SensorThings API provides an open, geospatial-enabled... resource , Concept experimental
OGC API - Coverages OGC API - Coverages establishes how to access coverages as de... resource , Concept experimental
OGC API - Maps OGC API - Maps describes an API that can serve spatially refe... resource , Concept experimental
OGC Web Coverage Service 1.1 resource , Concept experimental
Web Feature Service (WFS) The Web Feature Service (WFS) represents a change in the way ... Concept , resource experimental
csw Catalogue services support the ability to publish and search ... Standard , resource , Concept experimental
Web Coverage Service - wcs A Web Coverage Service (WCS) offers multi-dimensional coverag... resource , Concept experimental
OGC API - Features OGC API - Features provides API building blocks to create, mo... resource , Concept experimental