Soil quality - Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate 128 experimental

The sulphate content is determined on aqueous and acidic extracts from air-dried soils by a gravimetric method in which barium chloride is added to water or acid extract, then the precipitate of barium sulphate is dried and weighed. The sulphate content is then calculated from the mass of the material used in the analysis and the mass of precipitated barium sulphate.

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  • Soil quality - Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate
  • Qualité du sol - Dosage du sulfate soluble dans l'eau et dans l'acide
  • 128
  • NF ISO 11048 Juillet 1995 (X31-402)
  • ISO 11048:1995

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:32:08.445
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.052
entity Soil quality - Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate
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en The sulphate content is determined on aqueous and acidic extracts from air-dried soils by a gravimetric method in which barium chloride is added to water or acid extract, then the precipitate of barium sulphate is dried and weighed. The sulphate content is then calculated from the mass of the material used in the analysis and the mass of precipitated barium sulphate.
fr La teneur en sulfate est déterminée sur des extraits aqueux et acides de sols séchés à l'air, par une méthode gravimétrique selon laquelle on ajoute du chlorure de baryum à l'eau ou à l'extrait acide, puis on assèche et pèse le précipité de sulfate de baryum. On calcule alors la teneur en sulfate à partir de la masse du matériau utilisé dans l'analyse et la masse de sulfate de baryum précipité.
item class Process | laboratory test | laboratory ground test | normalised method | geotechnical test | Concept
en Soil quality - Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate
fr Qualité du sol - Dosage du sulfate soluble dans l'eau et dans l'acide
notation 128
register Process
status status experimental
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2