Consolidated undrained triaxial compression test on water saturated soils 114 experimental

The consolidated undrained triaxial test (CU) aims to the determination of shear strength under compression loading. The cylindrical specimen, which can comprise undisturbed, re-compacted, remoulded or reconstituted soil, is subjected to an isotropic or an anisotropic stress under drained conditions and thereafter is sheared under undrained or drained conditions. The test allows the determination of shear strength, stress-strain relationships and effective stress paths.

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  • Consolidated undrained triaxial compression test on water saturated soils
  • Essai triaxial consolidé non drainé
  • 114
  • ISO 17892-9:2018
  • NF EN ISO 17892-9 Avril 2018 (P94-512-4)

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:27:08.432
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:58.469
entity Consolidated undrained triaxial compression test on water saturated soils
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en The consolidated undrained triaxial test (CU) aims to the determination of shear strength under compression loading. The cylindrical specimen, which can comprise undisturbed, re-compacted, remoulded or reconstituted soil, is subjected to an isotropic or an anisotropic stress under drained conditions and thereafter is sheared under undrained or drained conditions. The test allows the determination of shear strength, stress-strain relationships and effective stress paths.
fr L'essai triaxial consolidé non drainé (CU) a pour objectif la détermination en laboratoire de la résistance au cisaillement en conditions de chargement par compression. L’éprouvette cylindrique, pouvant être constituée de sol non remanié, recompacté, remanié ou reconstitué, est soumise à une contrainte isotrope ou anisotrope avec un drainage et est ensuite cisaillée avec ou sans drainage. L’essai permet de déterminer la résistance au cisaillement, les relations contrainte-déformation et les chemins de contraintes effectives.
item class Concept | geotechnical test | laboratory ground test | Process | normalised method | laboratory test
en Consolidated undrained triaxial compression test on water saturated soils
fr Essai triaxial consolidé non drainé
notation 114
register Process
status status experimental
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2