transmissivity 554 experimental

Parameter governing the flow of water flowing per unit width of the saturated zone of a continuous aquifer (measured in a direction orthogonal to that of flow), and per unit of hydraulic gradient

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  • transmissivity
  • transmissivité
  • 554
  • Dictionnaire français d'hydrogéologie - Edition du BRGM

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date accepted 27 Apr 2022 11:53:36.837
date submitted 27 Apr 2022 11:24:35.948
entity transmissivity
source graph graph

en Parameter governing the flow of water flowing per unit width of the saturated zone of a continuous aquifer (measured in a direction orthogonal to that of flow), and per unit of hydraulic gradient
fr Paramètre régissant le débit d'eau qui s'écoule par unité de largeur de la zone saturée d'un aquifère continu (mesurée selon une direction orthogonale à celle de l'écoulement), et par unité de gradient hydraulique.
item class Concept | quantity kind | observed property
en transmissivity
fr transmissivité
modified 13 Oct 2023 12:05:14.089
notation 554
register Observed properties
status status experimental
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 12