shear strength 484 experimental

Maximum value of the shear stress that a soil can support before it fails along a shear plane, when it is submitted to a deviator of stresses.

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  • shear strength
  • résistance au cisaillement
  • 484

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date accepted 27 Apr 2022 11:52:59.494
date submitted 27 Apr 2022 11:24:35.887
entity shear strength
source graph graph

en Maximum value of the shear stress that a soil can support before it fails along a shear plane, when it is submitted to a deviator of stresses.
fr Valeur de la contrainte de cisaillement maximale que le sol peut supporter, avant la rupture par glissement le long d'un plan, lorsqu'il est soumis à un déviateur des contraintes.
item class observed property | quantity kind | Concept
en shear strength
fr résistance au cisaillement
modified 13 Oct 2023 12:05:13.272
notation 484
register Observed properties
status status experimental
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 12