
Entry: Roche naturelle

URI: https://data.geoscience.fr/ncl/ObjParSubs/3734

Matériau constitutif des parties solides de la Terre et des corps célestes (planètes, satellites, météorites, comètes)

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is a Concept | natural object | geological object of interest
category 2
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 27 Nov 2020 16:37:23.754

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date accepted 27 Nov 2020 16:37:23.754
date submitted 27 Nov 2020 16:36:53.600
entity Roche naturelle
source graph graph

description Matériau constitutif des parties solides de la Terre et des corps célestes (planètes, satellites, météorites, comètes)
item class Concept | geological object of interest | natural object
label Roche naturelle
notation 3734
register obj par subs
status status experimental
account name h.bressan@brgm.fr
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2
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category geology
description Matériau constitutif des parties solides de la Terre et des corps célestes (planètes, satellites, météorites, comètes)
exact match rock
in scheme Objets of Interest - Parameters and substances
label Roche Naturelle
mnemo ROCH
notation 3734
pref label Roche naturelle
related Lithology
status Valid
type Concept | natural object | geological object of interest


Exact match for

In concept scheme