
Register: Dominant formations of lithostratigraphic units


This register contains the dominant lithostratigraphic formations of the BRGM. Each dominant formation is defined on the basis of the lithologies encountered within the formation.

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is a Container | concept scheme | Register
category 2
owned by 1
changed on 20 Nov 2024 15:09:20.800
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 24 Jun 2020 12:19:56.381

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category 2
en This register contains the dominant lithostratigraphic formations of the BRGM. Each dominant formation is defined on the basis of the lithologies encountered within the formation.
fr Ce registre contient les formations dominantes lithostratigraphiques du BRGM. Chaque formation dominante est définie sur la base des lithologies rencontrées au sein de la formation.
has member relation member
is member of relation in scheme
en Dominant formations of lithostratigraphic units
fr Formations dominantes des unités lithostratigraphiques
member Metamorphic formation | Mixing formation | Meteoritic formation | Magmatic formation | Sedimentary formation | Alteration formation
modified 20 Nov 2024 15:09:20.800
notation LithoStratForDo
owner 1
type Container | concept scheme | Register
version info 2
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Name Notation Description Types Status
Magmatic formation 1 Formation with a main lithology resulting from the crystalliz... Concept stable
Metamorphic formation 2 Formation with a main lithology derived from a pre-existing r... Concept stable
Meteoritic formation 3 Formation with a main lithology which is made up of all rock ... Concept stable
Alteration formation 4 Formation with a main lithology derived from a preexisting ro... Concept stable
Sedimentary formation 5 Formation with a main lithology which corresponds to deposits... Concept stable
Mixing formation 6 Formation constituted by at least two different main associat... Concept stable